A Proposal Regarding Micronations

15 JUNE 2015 (800th anniversary of the Magna Carta)

We propose the creation of a not-for-profit organization to explore the possibility of creating a Micronation dedicated to promoting free market principles and libertarian beliefs.

It seems clear that no nation is going to implement this agenda on its own since the majority of people simply do not want it. Most people want the government to control them in the belief that the government will also take care of them. That is of course their choice and should be respected, but we do not have to be in agreement.

What of those few of us who desire freedom and liberty above government guarantees of safety and security? What can we do?

We propose establishing a not-for-profit organization to explore the possibility of creating a Micronation dedicated to the above principles. But which comes first: the Free Market Micronation or an organization and movement dedicated to its creation?

It should be obvious that the organization and movement should come first if for no other reason than to have a webpage, letterhead, address, and a bank account that will assist with communication and operations. This would also add a bit of legitimacy to the undertaking.

The name could be: THE MICRONATIONS FORUM (although this is not an important issue at this time).

It would be easy to set up.

Getting the right type of people to join and be active is going to be the real issue. I think it is important that we not only have an organization with adequate funding in place that provides legitimacy, but also an active membership.


  • First step is to create a not-for-profit entity as described above.

  • Then we invite friends and associates to form a core group of participants interested in seriously investigating the options.

  • Next we create an investment holding trust for the purpose of holding deposits for resident visa application fees from each Voting Member. Each Member will be required to deposit $1,000.00 towards his or her resident visa application in the “soon to be developed” Free Market Micronation. In addition each Voting Member will pay an annual non-refundable membership dues of $50.00 to cover operating expenses.

  • In addition to the Voting Members, we will establish a Non-Voting Member category for people who want to participate, but do not wish to commit to making $1,000.00 deposit as described above. Non-Voting Members would also pay an annual non-refundable membership dues of $50.00 to go towards operating expenses.

  • The resident visa will only become valid when a proposed project is actually approved for funding by a majority vote of the Voting Members. The Member will then be able to complete the visa application process, and prepare to move to the proposed Free Market Micronation. The Member will only become a citizen after he or she actually resides in the Free Market Micronation for one year.

  • The funds will be held in escrow by a trusted and reliable third party financial institution that will only be released for distribution upon approval of a majority of the Members to be used only for a specified initial development project that has been properly submitted for approval by the Forum. Otherwise, the funds will be returned to the Members if the project fails to develop after a certain period of time.

This is just one proposal on how such an organization could proceed. There are many other options which can and should be reviewed.

The organization could benefit from a few big names in the libertarian/liberty movement or just an eccentric billionaire or two. Clearly promoting such an organization would be easier with a real existing not-for-profit organization established with a presence and identity. An active, interested, and organized membership would be helpful as well.

After the entity is organized and there is a core group of active Members, it is at this time that we proceed to search for the proper location and jurisdiction to develop our Free Market Micronation.

Let us create an example situation:

Let us say we approach a country with a lovely island (or perhaps a mountain valley in the interior) that is in need of development. The governmental officials we speak to are interested in exploring the possibility of creating a fully autonomous free city in an unused area subject to reasonable concerns over security, national integrity, etc. We approach some local pro-business college professors, business people, entertainers, etc. and invite them to join the project on an investigative level. We then add interested foreigners from around the world to join in and add a level seriousness to the project.

In the absence of an outright refusal by the proposed host jurisdiction we can then use the proposed project to further promote applications for membership in the Forum with each Member depositing $1,000 to the visa trust fund. No false claims will be made, but only the opportunity to get in on the ground floor while prices are low.

Just think how seriously such an organization would be taken if it had 10,000 Members each of whom have made their $1,000 deposit held in escrow by a trusted and reliable 3rd party financial institution. That is $10,000,000 that could go into development of the project. The Forum itself would be properly funded from the $50.00 non-refundable application fee to cover expenses (that is $500,000).

This is doable. Through this process we can have a very serious organization that will promote the idea of a Micronation without having to declare anyone king of some free republic that does not exist, and probably never will exist.

Would you be interested in finding out more? Being part of this project? Working with others in deciding how best to proceed?

Then please fill out the application form and forward it as instructed. There are no obligations. You are simply saying you are interested.



Feel free to contact me at ‘micronation@legio-x.com’ if you have comments, advice, suggestions regarding grammar or spelling, or offers to help.


Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MicronationsForum/

About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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19 Responses to A Proposal Regarding Micronations

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    What is meant here under “libertarian beliefs”?

    • fafc says:


      ‘The libertarian or “classical liberal” perspective is that individual well-being, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by “as much liberty as possible” and “as little government as necessary.”‘

      Libertarian covers a lot of ground. For instance I might call myself a “minarchist” in that I want the smallest government possible, but do not believe in “no government” as some libertarians.

  2. Croatian Capitalist says:

    OK, thanks, I am asking because whenever I watch a foreign television channel and a “libertarian” is on, they usually advocate for the legalization of drugs and things like that, so I wouldn’t want to be associated with such individuals, therefor I think that the “mission statement” should be clear about what exactly is meant by such terms.

    • fafc says:

      IMHO, here in the USA, among “real” libertarians (I say “real” because the Libertarian Party, not necessarily libertarianism itself, has essentially been hijacked by some very unpleasant groups who hide behind the libertarian name but who are not really concerned with libertarian ideals — neo-Nazis and pot-heads. Libertarians are not anti-Semitic or pro-drugs, but they are generally against government getting involved in any foreign conflicts, and they are against government creating prohibitions that simply drive up prices and profit criminals.) there are essentially 3 types:

      1. a sort of immature anti-social jerk who confuses the idea of freedom with being rude and inconsiderate.
      2. a highly ideological, but often very impractical, academic sort who spends enormous amounts of time reading books on philosophy.
      3. a lover of freedom who realizes that the best way for people to be free is to limit the power of government, but not necessarily eliminate it entirely.

      I consider myself #3. The problem among libertarians is that the first 2 types spend a great deal of their time attacking and sometimes insulting the 3rd type. As such I often find myself annoyed by some libertarians.

  3. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The number 3 position is fine, but I think that if a new nation (or an existing one once they eventually get their act together) is to remain successful in the long-run, that it will have to have some sort of mechanism to defend the values of the system upon which it is to be founded.

    For example, I believe that the situation the USA is currently in is ironically the result of too much “freedom”, for example, as far as I know, the subversive elements in the USA were allowed to take over the major American universities, media, etc. without any real opposition, so any nation that wants to become and/or stay successful has to implement some sort of system to prevent that from happening.

    Another reason for the current situation in my opinion is the fact that the immigration criteria in the old days was very basic (basically (as far as I know anyway) if you were Caucasian and physically healthy, you were allowed in), so many people who had socialist/anti-American ideals were let into the USA (many of the leaders/instigators of the anti-American movements were as far as I know were immigrants), so I think that immigration is another thing that would have to be regulated to the letter (in short only productive people who share the same traits/beliefs as the founders would be let into the country).

    Thirdly the laws, especially the basic ones that would be set in the Constitution would have to be written in a way that wouldn’t allow subversive elements to play word-games and undermine them/it, and even though I would have the Constitution written in as a clear way as possible, I would still make an additional document that would explicitly explain what each part of the Constitution means, so that “judicial activism” would be made impossible.

    I would also make it impossible or next to impossible to legally change the most important parts of the Constitution, so that even if the politicians in some future time would get bought off (which is another reason why I would prefer a monarchy over a democracy or a republic, a King (or a Queen) would have no reason to accept bribes, since (s)he would be guaranteed a high standard of living as long the the country was run properly, and by running the country into the ground they would essentially be doing the same to themselves, so realistically the country would be safe in that regard) or whatever, they couldn’t legally take away the most important rights of the citizens.

    As well, I would choose some new name for this ideology, because the ones currently in use are too tainted and are limiting in certain situations (for example the “Libertarian” ideology might be good on tax issues, but it’s support for open borders would doom a “Libertarian” society to failure), which again would have to be defined to the letter, so that it can’t get sabotaged.

    So, those are my 2 Cents in regards to what it will/would take to keep a successful free society that way permanently, because a (more or less) total hands-off approach would eventually just lead to the same outcome (the country becoming almost the polar opposite of what it’s founders envisioned) that happened in America.

    What do you think?

    • fafc says:

      I agree with what you are saying. I have since re-written this manifesto as it seems to confuse people about the goal: not to found a micronation but to found a think-tank to explore various issues related to that issue. But that is the end of my motivation for now.

      I agree with you in regards to liberty vs license. Something I think most “libertarians” confuse (something I wrote on this same idea: https://scriggler.com/DetailPost/Opinion/28959)

      In the case of the USA new immigrants are tainted by socialism since that is the dominant philosophy around the world. But what is worse is that the education system has been taken over by socialists so that even Americans don’t understand the difference. And that was because of too much government, government that took over what was once a local private affair; teaching your children.

      One idea I had was to create a more “shareholder” democracy (I would use corporatist by Mussolini got to it first). Your vote will not be based solely upon the quantity of heads you own and your heartbeat, but by how much money you have in a local bank (of the new country), real property investments, other assets invested, and then combined with “social status” awards — awards by the people for great services to the community. It would not entirely be about money, but it would be about what you have invested into the community. Perhaps even a bonus for level of education (although I fear the place turning into an Ivy Tower filled with over-educated buffoons).Of course there would have to be some limits here, or some sort of offsetting mechanism. We wouldn’t want someone like George Soros, John McAffee, or worse to come along and take over the country by making a large deposit into a local bank account.

      Look in your mail for an invitation from Micronation Forum at Bitrix24.com.

  4. Croatian Capitalist says:

    It’s always good to be prepared, new nations/countries (Catalonia, Scotland, Kurdistan, etc.) forming in the coming decades is almost a certainty, whether any of them will find our ideas attractive or not is another matter, but you never know…

    Good article, for some reason many “Libertarians” can’t see certain self-evident truths, which dooms the entire ideology to failure.

    I think that in addition to seriously vetting potential immigrants, the serious vetting of people who wish to work in education would also be a must, the fact the the majority of leaders of Western countries today are complete idiots is a direct result of leftist infiltration into the most prestigious Western centers of learning.

    Shareholder democracy would in any case be an improvement of the current system here, in Croatia only something like 1/4 of the people work in the private sector, so you can’t vote out socialism.

  5. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Anyway, one of the most important things in my view (if it wasn’t already clear from my above posts) that any new nation that wants to be successful in the long term has to do is to not assume things and leave no important issue to chance, I think that a lot of America’s current problems stem from the fact that the Founding Fathers assumed (and I can’t really blame them, since America’s current social reality would have seemed totally ludicrous to the people living in 18th century America, but it’s time people/nations stopped repeating past mistakes) many things about future Americans which obviously haven’t held water.

    • fafc says:

      I think the American Founding Fathers were very clever in their designs. After all the system survived for over 150 years. The Constitution came under attack almost immediately, but withstood changes quite well. I believe their biggest mistake was in granting too much power to the Judiciary (in the form of life appointments for Supreme Court Justices, and an inability to remove judges), and an inability to remove the President.

  6. Croatian Capitalist says:

    I agree, for the most part they were, and as I said, I can’t really blame them for not believing or even being able to imagine that society could ever fall this low, the only thing that I really consider a mistake is their handling of the issue of slavery, they should have freed the slaves after the Revolutionary War was won and repatriated them back to Africa, it would have been better for everyone in the long-run.

  7. Croatian Capitalist says:

    But anyway, my basic point in all of this is that the mistakes of the past shouldn’t be repeated by any new nation (or a reformed existent one), because they and their consequences are all well documented in the modern era, so there is really no valid excuse for repeating them.

    • fafc says:

      I agree with you that learning from the past is important, but I think there is something to be said that freedom requires are certain perpetual revolution, or an occasional uprising now and then. Jefferson believed so and I am starting to agree with him. When you study the forming of the Constitution, the Founders understood the problems and tried to come up with solutions. Many of those solutions worked but were undermined almost from the start. As I described above (the need for limitation of power on Judicary and removal of President, and your comment about the issue of slavery) clearly there were mistakes made. But even when you remove this there is a process of undermining of those Constitutional limitations that are often slow (even glacial) in nature but which eventually destroy the foundation. That is where revolution comes into play. To fix the US Constitution will require something radical (if not violent). I favor a new Constitutional Convention to review and fix the problems. Rather like cleaning the barnacles off an old ship. Either that or the system will simply disintegrate to be replaced by something much worse or simply collapse. I think the Constitutional Republic is already dead and has been replaced by an oligarchic dictatorship of elite politicians and big business. Whether this fascist system can sustain itself through a policy of constant war and consumerism remains to be seen.

  8. Pingback: Micronation Proposal Updated | Find a Free Country Project

  9. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Another idea that has crossed my mind in regards to how to go about keeping the riff-raff out is that instead of having modern English (which is an easy language to learn, especially taking into account it’s domination in the international media (movies, music, etc.) as the official language, some language which is (very) hard to learn (preferably some which isn’t in use (outside of academia maybe) anymore) should be made the official language of this new country and fluency in that language would be a mandatory requirement for immigrating to the country and for getting any sort of tax-payer financed welfare payment and the like (think about, how many welfare abusers would there be in the USA if you had to be fluent in lets say Sumerian to get it?) .

    What do you think? I think that Old English (the language spoken by the real Anglo-Saxons, who were probably the most freedom loving people of the Medieval period) would be very fitting, I am just not sure whether or not it meets the difficulty criteria, since I haven’t studied the language in any great detail.

    • fafc says:

      Maybe the Republic of Georgia would do? I am struggling to learn Georgian. The sounds are unknown to me, and the words strange.

  10. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Maybe a book such as this one would help you?: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Georgian-Language-101-Georgian-Verbs-by-Iakob-Babadishvili-9781619494329-/252247475056?hash=item3abb1f0370:g:KSYAAOSwLN5WlNFf

    But yes, Georgian is among the more difficult modern languages to learn: http://www.effectivelanguagelearning.com/language-guide/language-difficulty

    The fact that is has it’s own unique writing system also obviously adds to the difficulty.

  11. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Anyway, I think that the list above is pretty accurate, especially about Japanese being the hardest modern language to learn, it’s writing system uses 3 scripts (kanji, hiragana and katakana (and in very rare cases the Latin script is used (usually for something to do with computers)), it uses both Indian and Chinese numerals, many honorifics (which change depending on whether someone is older or younger than you, lower or above in the company hierarchy, etc,), etc.

  12. fafc says:

    I set up a Facebook Group “Micronation Forum” to help in coordinating this project.


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