Hungary pays off its IMF debt and instructs the IMF to leave

About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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149 Responses to Hungary pays off its IMF debt and instructs the IMF to leave

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungary generally seems to be on the right path, even though it still isn’t a country to which I would move to at this moment in time.

  2. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungary has made much more progress over the last 3 years, and is now along with Poland the European country whose future I am the most optimistic about.

    • fafc says:

      I love Budapest, and I would like to travel around the country some. The improved tax system will clearly make things better, but my lawyer in Budapest is very skeptical.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Why is he skeptical?

        • fafc says:

          He has a very low opinion of the current government, and the tax system is insane. There are taxes upon taxes, and it is almost impossible to do anything legally in Hungary because of the taxes. And the government’s response seems to be to send out criminal enforcement squads to terrorize businesses, and then allow the EU to come in and take over the businesses as the native Hungarians go bankrupt. Or go to jail.

  3. Croatian Capitalist says:

    On one hand, I get the felling your lawyer has some personal bias against the government, on the other hand I know from personal experience that a picture of a country from outside of it can look much more rosy than the reality on the ground, so I am not sure what to think…

    • fafc says:

      Well he is primarily a criminal tax attorney in Hungary, so he only sees the worst. But the worst is pretty bad. The only money coming into the system is coming in from corrupt EU bureaucrats in Brussels subsidizing non-Hungarian investments which makes it impossible for Hungarian businesses without access to the corrupt EU money to compete.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Well, at least they are getting billions of Euros worth of foreign investments, the foreign investments into Croatia are at a dismal level, the only foreigners I have noticed investing serious money into Croatia recently are the Turks for some reason,

        • fafc says:

          But those investments are not aimed at building up Hungary but tearing it down. Example: I, with my attorney’s help, could set up a phony distillery producing traditional Hungarian drinks. Then I go to the EU and request a 10 Million EUR package to “rebuild” my distillery. 4 Million EUR is a grant, and 6 Million EUR a low interest loan. I get less than 10 Million EUR after paying off the EU govt officials, but more than 8 Million. So I then start selling my product. I can sell at a loss and still “make money” since I was given free money by the EU. I can embezzle from my own company, sell at a loss, and then drive my company and my competitors into bankruptcy, all the while pocketing a couple of million EUR for next to nothing. Or can I sell the company. Remember I only have a 6 Milion EUR loan for an 8 Million Eur facility. The local producers, mostly small farmers and craftsmen, just cannot compete with my corrupt pricing. They go out of business. Heck. I might actually make money on this deal after putting all the local producers out of business and then raising prices, or just selling out to Germans.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            OK, those kind of “investments” are obviously bad, but I was referring to actual investments by Audi, Daimler-Benz, Suzuki, etc., they have invested billions into Hungary, built actual factories, employed actual Hungarians, etc.

          • fafc says:

            I doubt that. For every one job created the EU destroys ten. and the factories that used to be owned by Hungarians are now owned by Germans and French. Nothing from the EU is anything other than poison.

  4. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The unemployment rate is lower today than it was when Hungary joined the EU in 2004.

    As for foreign ownership of companies, I don’t mind it generally, jobs in the private sector jobs in German, Austrian, etc.companies in Croatia are better paid on average than in Croatian ones, all of the foreign companies from those countries pay on time, while with many Croatian companies it is problematic to get payed at all, much less on time, state companies sold off to the Germans (such as the national telecommunications company for example) now offer better service for lower prices, while those sold of to (politically connected) locals either no longer exist or are being run in quite a questionable manner.

    • fafc says:

      I think it is worth noting that the per capita numbers are not inspiring. It seems like the more money the EU pours in, the worse it gets for the people.

  5. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Yes. and I especially feel sorry for the German taxpayers. they have to subsidize the rest of the EU, over a million fake refugees. plus the Western Germans still have to pay a “solidarity” tax to subsidize the development of East Germany, it is crazy!

    • fafc says:

      I think the worst part of this is that it is rather like someone stealing your wallet, and then throwing the money away. No one gets to enjoy the money. At least no one who is honest. A lot of corrupt EU bureaucrats.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Well. one “good” thing about the EU is that it is run unsustainably, so I think that the nations of Europe will be free of it’s negative influence in the near future, hopefully by the end of this decade.

  6. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that Germany also gives around 5 billion Euros of taxpayers money in “foreign aid” each year!

    • fafc says:

      I am not sure why this is such a big deal. They are trying to make this sound inhumane or something. They will be housed in converted cargo containers. Oh the horror! There is a first class hotel in Gudari, Georgia made entirely of cargo containers.

  7. Croatian Capitalist says:

    1) It is a big deal because the media is for the most part controlled by people who are not big fans of Western civilization.

    2) In any case, those cargo containers are better than whatever accommodations they had in their third World country, so they should be grateful to the Hungarians.

    • fafc says:

      indeed. Not a perfect place by any means but as you say, going in the right direction.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, it is still far from “perfect”, I couldn’t see myself moving there anytime soon, but I am still glad to see it progressing, too few Western countries are (moving in the right direction).

  8. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Now that I think about it, looking at all 200 or so countries in the World, I doubt that more than 10 of them are generally heading in the right direction, the push to do away with cash by many countries (South Korea, Norway, Singapore, Denmark, Sweden, etc.) is an especially troubling development.

    • fafc says:

      Yes. Digital currencies pose a serious threat but also various opportunities. It is a two edged sword.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against digital currencies or other non-cash forms of payment existing as options for payment, but the elimination of cash would turn people into serfs, the government would know literally everything about your personal finances and would no doubt raise tax rates, the banks could charge you whatever they wanted to for “transaction fees”, not to mention that you wouldn’t even be able to buy a loaf of bread if somebody in the government or bank pushed a button freezing your money (even if it was done by accident) or if some software glitch happened, and then you also have the threat of hackers, so the banning of cash would be a very anti-freedom move, and I don’t want to live in a country where people think that becoming a serf would be a positive development.

  9. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Anyway, as we have often discussed, a lot of the bad things happening in even some of the countries that are overall heading in the right direction are the direct result of EU meddling (even in non-member states such as Georgia), and if Le Pen wins the presidential election on the 7th of May, France will hold a referendum on EU membership, and if they vote “out”, that would be mean that the EU would lose 2 of it’s 3 main members and net financial contributors (the UK and France), which should mean the end of the EU and it’s negative influence on European nations.

    • fafc says:

      We can only hope.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, it would be nice if the UN were disbanded as well for the good of Mankind:

        • fafc says:

          On the other hand if France decided to leave the EU, the rest of the EU would probably realize that the initial idea of a customs free zone was fine and doable, but that the United Mega Europe Reich might be a bit too much.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            Yes, if the EU was just a free-trade zone for European countries, I would have nothing against it existing, but this socialist, open borders, Orwellian anti-European entity has to go the way of the Dodo bird if civilization is to endure on the majority of the European continent, otherwise Europe will for the most part probably look worse in 100-150 years time than Latin America does…

  10. Croatian Capitalist says:

    This Macron guy obviously isn’t right in the head, also notice how the media constantly call him a “centrist”, even though he is obviously a left-wing loon.

    • fafc says:

      He is anything he is told to be. He is another Obama. A nobody dredged up from nowhere to do what the Elites demand. The Elites must be terrified. They just saw both their supported parties crushed in the elections.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, even though it matters little whether they do it out of actual ideological belief or because of money, the end result is the same.

        Anyway, he won by a landslide, so the direction France is heading in is obvious.

    • fafc says:

      France has given up on the future. I rather suspected that was the case by how they reacted to terrorist attack after terrorist attack. They just don’t care anymore. They have no future. They know they have no future. All they have a glorious past, a tedious present, and a dismal future. RIP France. It was good to know you.

  11. Croatian Capitalist says:

    If they want to commit national suicide, that’s their thing, but the problem is that all such countries seem intent on taking other Western countries down with them:

    It’s way past time they stopped meddling in other countries internal affairs.

  12. Croatian Capitalist says:

    If the EU doesn’t collapse within the next few years, then I think it will be time to abandon all of the EU states to their fates and move (far) away to some sane(r) location.

    • fafc says:

      Sad but I must agree.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, it is very sad, I never thought that I would think that even places like Brazil have a brighter (or at least a less dark) future than the majority of countries in Europe, but the loons that run the EU have brought me to the point that I think that is the case (unless the EU collapses soon of course).

  13. Croatian Capitalist says:

    But even if the EU did collapse by 2020, I still wouldn’t be overly optimistic about the futures of most of the current member states. because when you look at this list (, you see that the leftist loons have firm control over the vast majority of the major EU cities, and the minority of cities that aren’t under leftist control are mostly located in the Eastern European countries.

    • fafc says:

      I think Eastern Europe may be the only hope for Europe. But my fear is that when the EU finally collapses the Western European countries will voluntarily become part of the European Caliphate. Then armies from France and Germany will be attacking Eastern Europe.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Well, when you look at the modern history of Muslim wars, Muslims have for the most part fought each other, so I think if the Western European Muslims were to fight anyone, it would mostly be each other, at least until one group became dominant over the entire region, which would likely take a long time (if it ever happened in the first place), by which time you would hope that Poland, Hungary, etc. would militarize themselves and become serious military powers.

  14. Croatian Capitalist says:

    ““We ran out of patience some time ago,” says Frank Engel, a Luxembourgish MEP and Orban critic. He says members of the European parliament will this week invoke an “Article 7.1 resolution” — a procedure designed to halt a breach of the EU’s founding democratic values, one that could ultimately lead to the suspension of Hungary’s voting rights.ˇ

    So, for the EU “democratic values” = suspending/removing the voting rights from anyone who doesn’t agree with you? The EU is an unfunny joke.

  15. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Anyway, even South America ( has more major cities with pro-market leaderships than Western Europe or the United States do!

  16. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Another thing which shows that the EU is an anti-European sham of an organization is the fact that they want to punish Poland for “not taking in any refugees”, while in fact Poland has taken in over a million actual refugees from Ukraine, but I guess that only non-European unassimilable fake refugees from the third World count as refugees in the EU’s distorted world-view…

    • fafc says:

      They are white, and therefore evil. Only dark skinned people have any virtue and are worthy of any respect.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        That’s how the regular “liberals” view things, but I believe that the politicians who push these policies mostly do so for different reasons:

        1) The more problems the third World immigrants cause, the more power the politicians will be able to grab for themselves.

        2) The vast majority of third World immigrants vote for parties which offer them handouts, so it’s obvious which parties benefit from such immigration (

        3) It’s a legal way to transfer taxpayers money to their friends and later to themselves (through “speaking fees” and other such nonsense), think about it , somebody has to house those immigrants, cloth them, feed them, hire private security because of the increased crime rates caused by them, etc., don’t they? And whose companies do you think will get most of the “action”?

        4) The “donations” of the Saudis, Qataris, Emiratis, etc.

  17. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Apart from the various Churches and politicians, there appears to be yet another group which thinks it’s totally OK to work against Western civilization for short-term financial gain:

    “Last week Italian media outlets revealed that one of Italy’s largest migrant welcome centers was run by the Calabria-based branch of the Italian mafia called ‘Ndrangheta.”

  18. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Along with trying to force idiotic immigration policies on other member states, Germany and France now want to do the same thing in regards to taxes:

    • fafc says:

      Just when you thought the EU could not get any worse. Do you think Germany and France secretly are trying to sink the EU themselves? Or at least cut it back some? I can’t imagine most of Eastern Europe putting up with too much more of this garbage.

  19. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Even though it would be nice to think that Merkel and company are secretly pro-European and are doing all of these idiotic things so that the “frog” jumps out of the pot before it gets boiled, I don’t believe that is the case.

    Its not just Eastern Europe, this “tax harmonization” would probably hurt Ireland the most.

    • fafc says:

      And the Netherlands. I am wondering if the French and the Germans have accepted that the EU is going to collapse, so they will try to force out the “non-compliant” state and make an EU out of France, Germany and perhaps a few other small states that want to comply?

  20. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungarian PM Orbán: ‘The European Union Is on the Side of Terrorists’:

  21. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The EU is openly saying it has no intention of actually defending the EU’s borders.

  22. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungary to solve demographic problems by strengthening families instead of migration:

    That is the right way to go about it, even if the migrants being brought over to Europe weren’t savages who can’t be assimilated, it would still just be a case of kicking the can down the road, the only real long-term solution to demographic problems is raising the birth rate to above replacement level.

  23. Croatian Capitalist says:

    ‘Stop Soros’ – Hungary Will Raise Taxes on Pro-Mass Migration Groups to Fund Border Protection Force:

    Hungary continues to go in the right direction.

  24. Croatian Capitalist says:

    More good news from Hungary:

    I had a good laugh reading the crybaby articles of the Soros financed media outlets in Croatia in reaction to Orban’s victory.

  25. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The Socialist Party won the smallest amount of seats ever, and if polls are to be believed, the Hungarian youth are even more right-wing than the average Hungarian, so I would expect that things will keep going in the right direction for a long time to come.

  26. Croatian Capitalist says:

    As for a country going in the wrong direction, just south of Hungary Croatia is (according to news reports here) if current trends continue going to lose a million people in the next 10 years, our population was almost 4,8 million in 1991, today it is around 4 million and the way things are going it will fall under 3 million by 2030, and over half of those 3 million will be pensioners and public sector moochers, I can only hope it will lead to bankruptcy and the socialist system collapsing once and for all, otherwise this country is finished.

  27. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Soros in Retreat: Billionaire’s University to Move from Budapest to Vienna:

    More good news for Hungary.

  28. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Apart from the fact that the vast majority of Hungarians (both amongst the politicians and the common people) are against the third World invasion and the fact the welfare payments in Hungary are too small to be of interest to the third World parasites, Hungary has one added layer of protection which I don’t think we have mentioned yet, namely the fact that Hungarian is probably the hardest European language to learn, it’s way harder to push the “liberal” agenda when the third worlders can’t even speak the language of the host country at a basic level, while English is probably the easiest language to learn of all languages in the World, so that is one of the main reasons why both third worlders and “liberals” move to English-speaking countries en masse.

    • fafc says:

      That is one thing that discourages me about Georgia and Hungary. I have been trying to learn Georgian and I have found it just impossible. Maybe I am unmotivated and a bad person, but it is so difficult. I can’t even hear the sounds they make. I wonder if Hungarian would be so difficult? Or perhaps would it be possible to survive in Hungary without Hungarian?

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        To be honest, I have never meet a Georgian person or heard one speak Georgian (but I do know that Georgian has probably the hardest writing system to learn in Europe), so I can’t compare it to Hungarian, but having been to Hungary and meeting many Hungarians who vacation here, I have no problems understanding them sound-wise, but many of the words and phrases are strange (plus there is no equivalent for many of them in English), and then you have this: and this:

        In Budapest I don’t think you would have problems getting by in English, since most people under 40 speak it to various degrees, but still I wouldn’t really feel comfortable signing paperwork in a language where the vast majority of words might as well be Klingon.

        • fafc says:

          That is how I feel in Georgia, but I am resigned to not understanding and constantly requiring help. The problem with Georgian is that there are sounds I cannot hear let alone reproduce (probably why I cannot reproduce the sounds), and Georgians have an incredibly low tolerance for people getting their language wrong. Instead of smiling at my bad attempt at saying something in Georgian, they react as if I am somehow mocking them or perhaps in some other way injuring them through my poor pronunciation. It is very discouraging.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            That’s why if I do end up emigrating, it will almost for sure be to one of the 3 Slavic V4 countries, I haven’t spent a minute seriously studying them in my life, but I can mostly get the gist of the article when I read texts in those languages, and I am sure it wouldn’t take me long to become fluent once I started seriously studying them, I actually think that the Slovak language is the closest one to Croatian in the World if we ignore the other South Slavic ones (and in terms of grammar it closer than even some South Slavic ones (namely Bulgarian and Macedonian (which are regarded by many to be the same language))

            As for the Georgian attitude, that is sad, the majority of people in the World are happy if you attempt to speak to them in their language.

          • fafc says:

            As I said, I am seriously thinking of spending much less time in Georgia. Things have become rather ugly here with the people becoming very anti-foreigner. This attitude may change as the Georgians seem to be a particularly fickle bunch, but all the same I will never really fit in here. I have invested quite a bit, so I have to decide whether to try to manage the investments from afar such as from Mexico, liquidate them and abandon some potentially lucrative future profits, or perhaps take a middle ground and move to someplace where I am closer to the USA but not so far from Georgia.

  29. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Maybe Spain? You already know the language, it is much, much safer than Mexico, hundreds of thousands of Anglos already live there and have no problems, if you avoid the major cities (Madrid, Barcelona and the like) you really shouldn’t see that many, if any at all third worlders, it has great weather, Madrid has direct flights to the USA (Dallas being the closest destination to Houston I think), and it is “sort of” halfway between the USA and Georgia.

    • fafc says:

      No I don’t think so. And I don’t think it is safer than Mexico. There are some dangerous parts of Mexico, but by and large Mexico is a very peaceful place. Spain on the other hand is a few years away from complete collapse and civil war.

  30. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The murder rate in Spain is 0,66 per 100000 people, in Mexico it is 16,35 per 100000 people, and every province of Mexico apart from Yucatan has a serious problem with violent crime, as for civil war, maybe it will happen, but in reality I don’t expect more than some civil disturbances in Catalonia to happen.

    Since you think that Spain is in for a civil war soon, you probably aren’t interested in Portugal either, so looking at the map I don’t see any decent halfway option between the USA and Georgia.

    • fafc says:

      Spain is a depressing dead county filled with Arabs and retired Brits. Add in Catalonia (which I don’t take very seriously) and the disastrous native birth rate you might as well go to Morocco. Or Algeria. Portugal is more interesting. Again, Mexico is a safe place. The numbers are deceiving. There are locations where there is violence related to the US drug trade. Stay out of those areas and you have no problems. Don’t have to lock your doors in most places.

  31. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Well, apart from the weather, I don’t like modern Spain (or Portugal for that matter either), but since the rest of Western Europe is generally in even worse shape, I don’t see (a) better option(s) if you want to live halfway between Georgia and the USA.

    Even though I am sure that there are still many safe places in Mexico, there is really no guarantee that the violence won’t spread there in a year or two or five, plus even if you could somehow be sure that the violence won’t spread there, I wouldn’t want to live in a country where when I travel around it, I have to think whether the place I am going to or passing through is controlled by the narco cartels and full of violence or not, and it’s not like the narco cartels are Mexico’s only problem, it’s police and judiciary are corrupt, the bureaucracy is probably (a lot) worse than in either Texas or Georgia, if Trump actually fulfils his promise to “make Mexico pay for the Wall”, the Mexicans might do something stupid and impose some retributory tax on American citizens living in Mexico or something along those lines, etc., if I “had” to move to Latin America, I would move to Chile.

  32. Croatian Capitalist says:

    And one thing I forgot to mention above, in regards to birth rates, no country in the Western World apart from Israel has an above replacement level TFR, and even in Israel’s case, it’s only thanks to the ultra-orthodox Jews, who mostly live on welfare and dodge military service en masse, so in the long run it will actually be a bad thing for Israel.

    Thankfully all of the countries I am considering moving to have seen improvements on this issue in recent years (the Czech Republic’s TFR has risen from 1,44 in 2007 to 1,67 in 2017, Slovakia’s from 1,26 in 2007 to 1,52 in 2017, Poland’s from 1,31 in 2007 to 1,46 in 2017 (I think the number is actually higher, because many Poles who temporarily move to the UK and Ireland have their children while living there, so those children are not included in Poland’s statistics, even though they will most likely return to and grow up in Poland), and Hungary’s from 1,31 in 2007 to 1,50 in 2017), and though the trends are positive, even they still have a long way to go before they reach the the minimum acceptable TFR, which in the case of first World countries is generally 2,1 children per woman.

  33. Croatian Capitalist says:

    One the other hand the TFR of the USA is at a historic low:

    I checked the numbers by state, and in 2016 only North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Alaska and Nebreska have an above replacement level TFR (meaning that the average woman there has over 2,10 children during her lifetime), of the other 45 states, only Idaho, Texas and Kansas have a TFR of at least 2 children per woman.

  34. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The birth rates in Quebec are also near a historic low:

    Till the 1960’s Quebec has the highest birth rates in the first World, then “liberalism” took over and now the TFR is way below where it should be, and what makes the situation even worse is that if you took out the third World immigrants from the statistics, Quebec’s TFR would probably be amongst the lowest 5 in the whole World.

  35. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Survey shows deteriorating business environment in Slovakia:

    Not good.

  36. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Daimler breaks ground for second plant in Hungary:

    Hungary seems to be going from strength to strength.

  37. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Justice minister wants immunity for people who defend themselves:,Justice-minister-wants-immunity-for-people-who-defend-themselves

    Poland also keeps getting better.

  38. Croatian Capitalist says:

    He is right, and I think that in some ways the current EU leadership is even worse than the original communists.

  39. Croatian Capitalist says:

    BMW to build 1 billion euro car factory in Hungary:

    The foreign investments just keep on coming.

    • fafc says:

      Again, Hungary seems to be the only Eastern European country that has enough self-confidence to tell the people selling this rubbish to go to hell.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, bad news from the other V4 countries has become more frequent recently, but I can’t remember the last time I read some genuinely bad news from Hungary.

  40. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Soros foundation to leave Hungary by end of August:

    Good news.

  41. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Even though Bulgaria doesn’t interest me as an emigration destination, still it is nice to see that there are still countries in Europe which take border security seriously.

  42. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungary 7th most favoured investment target:

    Punishing tax stops refugees studying at Hungarian universities:

    The good news just keeps on coming.

  43. fafc says:

    One thing I find refreshing and encouraging is the Hungarian attitude on the EU. They are not radical about it, they just ignore it when it suits them. When Hungary started the process of modernizing and reforming its backward and counter-productive corporate tax scheme the EU warned them: Don’t you lower that corporate tax below 10%!!!! So Hungary lowered it to 9%, more or less just to spite the EU. And the EU does not seem to learn! (That said, Hungary has a long way to go to reform their tax system — not everything is about tax rates — the Hungarian tax system is still horribly inefficient and compliance is too costly.)

    • Croatian Capitalist says:

      That is true, I have mentioned a few times that people should dig deeper than just the main tax rates, for example in Croatia there are over 600 indirect taxes, the various localities can charge you added income tax on top of what you pay the national government, then on top of that are social security, healthcare, disabilities, unemployment, etc. payments, etc, so in reality the tax system here is much worse (in my opinion only France has a worse tax system in Europe) than what you would think just by looking at the main national tax rates.

  44. Croatian Capitalist says:

    EU parliament votes to punish Hungary over ‘breaches’ of core values:

    The day the EUSSR is dissolved will be a great day for Europe.

  45. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungary increases gold reserves tenfold:

    Smart move.

  46. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Poland ranked No. 2 among ‘world’s best countries to invest in or do business’:,Poland-ranked-No-2-among-‘world’s-best-countries-to-invest-in-or-do-business’


  47. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Another country to remove from the list of potential emigration destinations.

    • fafc says:

      Oh, I am not so sure. I think sometimes you have to look at where the country is going and hope it continues on that trajectory. No place is perfect. I certainly like Austria more than Germany or France, and I think it is getting more conservative as time passes. But I think I would prefer Hungary, Poland, and Czechia if you were looking at Eastern Europe. In regards to same sex marriage I am not really that interested in the issue other than to the point that it reflects more than the government tolerating it among adults. What bothers me more is when the major religious institutions of a country decide to abandon their religious dogma and belief in an effort to comply with the demands of the authoritarian Left. I am more worried about the Swedish Lutheran Church essentially embracing and approving of not just gay marriage but gay lifestyles within the Church hierarchy. That reflects the downfall of the nations religious roots versus simply tolerating something that does no harm… if that is where it stops. Of course gay marriage was never the real issue. The real issue was normalizing gay behavior and forcing it upon the rest of society.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        I am sure, because even a remotely healthy society wouldn’t legalize this, plus of course it won’t stop with this, they will push this degeneracy (and other ones as well) on children in kindergarten, schools, etc., and I have never liked the Austrians to begin with, this just made my decision not to move to Austria definitive.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        If they are really serious about fighting religious extremism, that is of course good, but in itself it really isn’t nearly enough for my to reconsider my position in regards to Austria as an emigration destination.

  48. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Hungary and Poland really seem to be the only two EU countries worth considering.

    • fafc says:

      I had to laugh at the headline. The EU is such a hopelessly useless thing, and it is turning Europe into total shit, or it is the other way around? Europe is such a hopelessly useless thing, and it is turning the EU into total shit.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, the euobserver is leftist drivel, so they come up with ridiculous headlines all the time.

        The first one, I think that if the EU didn’t exist, things would be much better in most of Europe, the insanity would be pretty much limited to the UK, Ireland, France, Sweden, the Benelux countries and Germany, the rest would be free of the EU-type insane laws and regulations and thus better places to live.

  49. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Even here in Croatia a lot of the stupid laws wouldn’t exist without the EU (when you look up a lot of Croatia’s laws online, you can actually see written above the text something like “By the EU directive 2016/16/EZ”.

    Speaking/writing of Croatian laws, a new citizenship law is probably going to be introduced soon, it will remove more or less all of the requirements for gaining citizenship by descent except proving that you are a direct descendent of a Croat, so even if the last Croat ancestor in your family died 500 years ago, you will still be able to gain Croatian citizenship (under the current law the furthest back eligible ancestry is by way of a great-grandfather or a great-grandmother), and the requirements of residency, the knowledge of the Croatian language, culture, even the Latin alphabet (!) will all be removed, so Croatian citizenship will probably become the easiest in the entire World to claim by descent, and from my reading of the law proposal, I don’t think you will even be required to prove any actual Croatian descent, being a member of a Croatian culture club for some time or something like that will be enough to “prove” “Croatian” “descent”, therefore, if you want EU citizenship, the easiest and cheapest way to get it would probably through this new Croatian law (if it actually gets passed, but I see no serious opposition to it).

    • fafc says:

      Hahaha! It strikes me that it might be cheaper just to stop running off native born Croatians? But what do I know?

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, it would be cheaper for Croatia, but not for the communist moochers, to stop running off native born Croats the communist moochers would have to dismantle their moocher system, which would mean that 400000 (it is hard to guess the exact number of moochers, for among other reasons because many of them “work” for companies which are private on paper, but in reality they only do “business” with the government and the owner is usually a friend or relative of some politician, but my guess would be that there are around 400000 of them) of them would have to get an actual job,[sarcasm] and that can’t be allowed, can it? {sarcasm]

  50. Croatian Capitalist says:

    South Korea and Singapore were the countries which improved (going from third world to first world within a single generation) the most in the 20th century, I think that Vietnam will be one of the most improved countries in the 21st century, which brings me to another important point regarding countries of the future, it isn’t just problematic guessing them correctly, but also even if you guessed them correctly also guessing correctly when they will become proper countries might be an even bigger challenge, for example Vietnam might become a proper first World country in say 2075, but that doesn’t really help somebody in 2019 looking for a current proper first world country or one which will become a proper first world country in 5-10 years time.

  51. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Poland’s young voters turning to the right:

    Good news.

  52. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Good on the Hungarians for saving their own people there, Croatia is of course doing nothing to help ethnic Croats in Venezuela.

  53. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The fake “conservative” parties in the EU are outing themselves by supporting this.

  54. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Russian development bank’s move to Hungary causes alarm:

    It doesn’t alarm me at all.

  55. Croatian Capitalist says:

    “Germany’s FAKT AG group is planning a landmark agribusiness project in western Hungary which in value would be among the highest on record and comparable to large greenfield investments by Audi and Mercedes, local media reported on March 26. The investment will create 5,000 jobs.”

    The good news from Hungary just keeps on coming. 🙂

  56. Croatian Capitalist says:

    ” In addition, “diversity” is a good thing. It works in the world of plants and is also beneficial in the case of humankind.”

    As I have already written, organized Christianity is no friend of Western Civilization, the sooner the various treasonous churches lose any influence that they still have, the better.

    • fafc says:

      I think we have to remember that the only people we see on the media, particularly of a religious background, are going to be people who fit into the Leftist Media cookie cutter shape. Those Christians, Jews, etc. who do not fit that mold are going to be ignored. This actually proves catastrophic to the Cultural Marxists since they never see the bus that is about the hit them.

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