Are there alternatives to malignant social media?

In my effort to escape a mild FakeBook addiction (at least I like to think it is not too serious a problem), I have been searching for other social media that are perhaps not as malignant. Perhaps I am looking for the equivalent of digital methadone?

One website I used to like is — I specifically use the past tense. It offered ‘amateur’ authors the opportunity to present their works of fact, fiction, and commentary to other similar people. However, lately Medium has been overrun by the most dishonest political smear propagandists and I just can’t stand it anymore. Most of the stories are political crap being sold by con artists who seem to be spending way too much time in their emotionally safe Leftist Bubbles. I am spending most of my time blocking the authors which the system presents to me. Blocking most of the lead stories and authors on Medium is certainly not a motivational way to start my writing day. is a nice place for geeks, and I enjoy the fact that you can have a serious discussion concerning just about anything; Tolkien’s Middle Earth, European History, German Tanks, Food Allergies, etc. But again Quora is starting to be overrun by radical leftists who just post the same repetitive sick demented politically dishonest leading “questions”. Again, I find myself spending way to much time downvoting, and even occasionally blocking the more abusive Quora posters. is essentially a less offensive and intrusive FakeBook substitute, but there is little interaction other than in a few groups. I suppose that is a good thing. Part of the problem of FakeBook is the incessant bombardment of useless emotionally driven garbage from “friends” who I would probably walk past in a bar and not bother to say hello.

It seems that anything that is touched by the Left turns into putrid politically driven fascist trash. Maybe I should just cancel my internet service?

About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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2 Responses to Are there alternatives to malignant social media?

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    There probably are, just not in English…

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