Will the coming US Civil War be more like the American Civil War or the French Revolution?

“…What’s happening now is different, and scarier in a way. What we’re seeing is much more like the spiraling out of control that happened during the French Revolution. The effort to reform a bankrupt French government had begun in 1789 with solemn religious processions led by bishops. Within just four short years, the French parliament had murdered France’s king and its queen and slaughtered thousands of aristocrats, foreign visitors, priests, monks, nuns, and political dissenters. It seized all the Church’s property and sold it cheap to wealthy allies, and was forcibly conscripting unwilling peasants to fight its wars. One of them was a war of genocide against the conservative, pious population of the Vendee region. The Revolutionary armies massacred some 300,000 civilians, for instance by roping men and women together naked and drowning them in rivers, a rite it sacrilegiously called “republican weddings.” Or loading families onto rafts, then sinking them.

The political frenzy we’re enduring today is much more Jacobin than Confederate. Its demands keep escalating, as one belief or practice that was broadly accepted ten years ago now gets painted as evil, even criminal.

Suddenly, without any scientific discoveries or even persuasive arguments, keeping men out of little girls’ bathrooms is “hateful” transphobia. Enforcing our nation’s borders, as Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and Barbara Jordan once urged, is now a hate crime — unjustly “discriminating” against people based merely on their “immigration status.” Separating children from illegal immigrants who claim to be their parents — which President Obama did just two years ago — is suddenly compared (by the former director of the CIA, Michael Hayden) with the culling and murder of Jews in concentration camps. Catholic bishops who wink at pro-abortion Catholic senators are threatening blue-collar ICE workers and Border Patrol agents with excommunication. In 2017, 24 of those bishops joined a Vatican cardinal at a meeting of a radical leftist group and promised to “disrupt” the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.”

for more: https://pjmedia.com/trending/the-resistance-is-turning-into-a-national-lynch-mob/

Posted in American Decline, Cultural Breakdown, National Breakup/Breakdown | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Is Mexico Officially Joining the Ranks of Failed States?

Let’s look no further than Mexico, our southern neighbor in absolute free fall, for some ideas. Here are a few things we’ve observed over the past year:

  • Mexico just elected a Leftist populist leader who railed against the incumbent president over 1) widespread corruption, 2) rising crime, 3) the inability to deal with the cartels, and 4) a lack of economic growth.
  • Drug cartels run Mexico. Underneath the positions of de jure power (the president, the congress, state governors, mayors, etc.) are echelons of de facto power. When we talk about collapse, this is the collapse of the Mexican government which lost political control over large swathes of their country. Do you remember the scene in Captain Philips, where the Somali pirate is holding the AK-47 and says, “Look at me. I am de captain now”? That’s the relationship between irregular forces in de facto authority/control over an area, and the government with de jure authority. And for much of Mexico, that’s the relationship between cartels, militias, and their federal government. That’s a great example of collapse.
  • The Associated Press last week reported about a rise in “mass crime” in Mexico: “'[S]ocialized’ or ‘mass’ crimes are spreading in Mexico as entire communities empty freight trains of merchandise or steal hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel from pipelines.” That’s reminiscent of U.S. flash mobs where, oftentimes, dozens of black teenagers will loot convenience stories (Wal-Marts have also been targets) and authorities are basically powerless to a) prevent it and b) catch all the thieves. Back to the situation in Mexico, the AP cites a research fellow at Columbia University: “The logic of the people [engaged in mass theft] is that they see politicians and officials stealing big time … and they see themselves as having the same right to steal as the big-time politicians.” He continues: “You begin to create an ethical code in which, ‘If the upper-class people can steal and get away with it, we can steal, too, with complete justification.’” That’s a society in collapse.
  • In May, two supermarkets refused to pay an extortion fee for a local cartel and paid a price, anyway. Gunmen broke locks on the two supermarkets and allowed the locals to loot the stores. “Police didn’t show up for hours” and the supermarket owners were virtually powerless in preventing the mass looting. This is happening across the country. That’s a society in outright collapse. That’s an outright “failure of civility”.
  • Earlier this year, train robbers were blocking tracks an average of six times per day, where “thieves open up grain hoppers or freight cars and people swoop in en masse as police or soldiers stand by outnumbered and overwhelmed.”
  • There’s a CBC article from March 2017 that claims “Mexican cartel earns more from mining and logging than drugs”. Instead of producing and trafficking methamphetamine for their primary source of income, the cartel is mining, transporting and selling iron ore and clear cutting forests for lumber. Where are the authorities to stop the illegal mining and logging? Virtually no where to be found. “I’ve never looked at them as drug-trafficking organizations,” Logan said of Mexico’s cartels. Says one expert: “[The cartels are] multinational corporations that will react to market pressures and do what they have to do to stay in business.”
  • In 2017, Mexico experienced a record number of homicides, numbering nearly 30,000, and the country is on track to make a new homicide record in 2018. There have been over 200,000 murders since 2007. There’s no control over the lawlessness. [source]

We often think of places like Somalia and Afghanistan as failed states yet we overlook our southern neighbor and fail to realize just how bad the situation is there. And I think we should consider it as a model for U.S. collapse. (The word “ungovernable” comes to mind, which incidentally is a rallying cry of the anti-Trump resistance.)

read more at: https://forwardobserver.com/what-could-collapse-look-like-lets-look-at-a-country-currently-in-free-fall/


Posted in Cultural Breakdown, Economic Decline, National Breakup/Breakdown | Tagged , | 37 Comments

Where is it safe in Europe?

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There is a lot of conspiracy theories floating around about the shooting in Las Vegas. Only reasonable really. This was very strange. Was it possible for one person on his own to assemble the illegal weapons, plan the attack, arrange for the perfect location, and then perfectly execute the attack on his own? All without any special training.

Whoever committed this horrible attack in Las Vegas a number of things are clear: it was an expensive, premeditated, meticulously planned attack aimed at killing conservatives whose only crime was listening to country music.

And the Left in this country is celebrating.

We do not have enemies in Russia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, North Korea NEARLY THIS DANGEROUS! This is not the first such attack. Similar attacks aimed at killing conservatives have taken place around the country. Sometimes they have been planned, and sometimes spontaneous. Do you feel safe with a conservative bumper sticker on your car? You shouldn’t. That could get you killed. How about showing support for a conservative cause or politician? Want to show support for veterans? How about the US flag? All these things can result in you being violently attacked.

I don’t know what to do but conservative Americans are surrounded by dangerous violent Leftists and there is an entire social infrastructure designed to encourage, support, and incite their violence. When is enough going to be enough?

Posted on by fafc | 2 Comments

Conspiracy Theories, Tin-Foil Hats, and Nuts!

I am often criticized for being a conspiracy nut when I say that the USA is no longer a self-governing republic but instead an oligarchic fascism ruled by elites made up of, and controlling, government, business, the media, and academia.

The thing is this isn’t really a conspiracy in the traditional sense of the definition.

It is simply the natural result of the central government growing too large, and the Constitutional checks and balances becoming ineffective; obsolete. Let me explain what I mean.

We are not “ruled” by an iron willed cabal of co-conspirators so much as by a collection of elite special interests that are quite happy with the status quo. Big Business likes being able to use the government to erect obstacles against smaller nimbler competitors. They also like being able to collude with the political parties to extract government contracts and benefits. Bureaucrats and politicians are happy to be able to extract extortion money from Big Business, Unions, and other special interests to line their pockets. The Media and Academia do their job of acting as a holy priesthood selling the masses on the “justice” of the system. All these “elites” are potential mini-dictators in competition to control the system, not a uniform monolithic conspiracy directing every aspect of the system. They cooperate when it suits their interests, and compete with each other to obtain added power and benefits when that is more advantageous for them. What is missing is the Constitutional limitations that used to deprive the ruling elites of access to the power and authority of a dominant central government, and also a people willing to defend their freedoms and liberties from these opportunistic elites.

This process is as natural as a river changing its course over time.

The Late Roman Republic showed these same traits. Corruption, conspiracies, coups, fraud, financial mismanagement, foreign adventurism, etc. Eventually the Republic collapsed. What is happening in America is not the result of some grand confederacy of dunces joining together to bring down the country, but a wholly natural evolution of what happens when the central government becomes too large, the people become too soft, and the infrastructure of ‘democracy’ becomes wholly corrupted.

In the absence of some great event or some great leader nothing will change. Wishful thinking is not a substitute for rational thought.

Posted in American Decline, National Breakup/Breakdown, Washington Corruption | Tagged , | 4 Comments

The Future of this project and website.

I have been asking myself why should I bother to continue this project and more specifically this webpage when there is almost zero activity. This suggests that there is almost zero interest. If so then all I am doing to wasting my time, and practicing a bit of intellectual self-delusion.

I have not come up with an answer yet, but I decided to set up a SLACK page to encourage people to take a more active role in the project. Perhaps some of you are shy to participate or post anything on a public webpage. If so SLACK is the solution. SLACK is a private networking solution designed to assist small to medium size groups to better communicate and collaborate. I use it for several business purposes, and participate in a number of social network groups that are built entirely upon SLACK.

I encourage you to join the SLACK group I have set up. The link to the invitation is found below. I think you will find it simple and easy to use. If no one joins the SLACK group then I think that will rather definitively answer my question as to whether or not this project and website are worth pursuing, and whether or not I am simply wasting my time.


Posted in Find a Free Country Project | Tagged , | 2 Comments

New SLACK Page

I set up a SLACK page for this group. Feel free to join.


Posted in Find a Free Country Project | Tagged | 2 Comments

Evidence that Ukrainians are smarter than they seem (at least smarter than their leaders).

Over the past 3 to 4 years Ukrainian’s have shown a growing distrust of NATO. This article suggests it is based upon a tradition of distrust hammered in over the Soviet period. But if that was the case why would opinions change over the past 3 years?

Could it be that the Ukrainian people distrust an organization that encouraged it to get into a very unwise war with its number one trading partner, and then sent it blankets while not allowing its goods into Europe? Perhaps it is that NATO, the USA, and the EU have proven to be very untrustworthy?


Posted in Rise of Russia | Tagged | 5 Comments

Russia to Give Land in the East… but to Who?

Read More: https://www.rt.com/business/345022-russia-far-east-free-land/

I suspect if Russia is serious about this project, without using political prisoners and massive concentration camps, the only hope is going to be opening up the region, or at least select parts of it, to non-Russians who are adventurous or desperate. As Europe further collapses I suspect there will be millions of European refugees looking for someplace to go.

Its either going to be that or the Chinese will eventually just take over Eastern Russia.

Posted in Immigration, Rise of Russia | Tagged | 51 Comments

The Attack Against Cash and Anything Else That Gives Privacy and Security Continues

Recently a new bill was introduced on the floor of the US Senate entitled, pleasantly,

“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

You can probably already guess its contents.

Cash is evil.

Bitcoin is evil.

Now they’ve gone so far to include prepaid mobile phones, retail gift vouchers, or even electronic coupons. Evil, evil, and evil.

All with new powers of civil forfeiture against not only the “evil” money you may be “hiding” but the power to seize all your assets. Add in some criminal penalties and we have the makings of a regime that would make the Soviet Union look like a Libertarian Utopia. This is where the USSA is going.

Get out while you still can. It is going to get a lot worse.

Read more if you like: https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/you-wont-believe-this-stupid-new-law-against-cash-and-bitcoin-22019/

Posted in Abuse of Power, American Decline, Economic Decline | Tagged , | 9 Comments