The Ultimate Explanation as to Why the Left-Right Political Axis is Wrong!

Hello all. The argument about the Left-Right political axis is an old issue, but an important one. [Here is an article that I think is interesting:] This Left-Right axis was created by Marxists who used it to smear anyone who opposed them as nothing more than fascists; a total lie since Marxists and fascists have more in common than either like to admit.

However countering the Marxist Left-Right political axis has been difficult because it has become ubiquitous in political commentary resulting in the dominant argument that the perfect scheme is a careful and clever compromise between socialism and fascism (freedom seems to be left out or it is implied to be in the middle like the above representation).

Some Libertarians suggest that there are 2 possible axes to explain the political system. The first place the horizontal axis as representing governmental control of the economy, and the vertical axis representing government interference with personal liberty and autonomy.

Image result for two axes political

I have never really liked this approach since there are few workable examples of highly controlling governments that control the economic lives of its citizens while at the same time allowing a great deal of individual liberty and autonomy at the personal level. Economic freedom and personal autonomy tend to go hand in hand — lose one and you lose the other.

The other example simply places personal and political freedom along one axis and measures the level of individual freedom compared to government control; this has always made more sense to me.

Related image

However, the following article provides a 2 axes model that actually makes sense: the horizontal axis represents an ideology’s view of government control, and the vertical axis represents the ideology’s view about the malleability of human nature; can human nature be easily changed or is it unchangeable.

All I can say is that any further explanation I made would be wasteful — you need to read this:

That’s it. I encourage you to read this article.

Posted in Economic Freedom, Freedom | Tagged , , | 18 Comments

You May Want to Think Twice About Your Trip to Western Europe.

When in Rome do as the Romans!

This means if you are visiting Europe you probably don’t want to talk about very much of anything. You should particularly avoid saying anything against Islam regardless of whether it is true. Europe has never had the same commitment to freedom of speech as the USA. Now, Islam has become a special class that cannot be criticized. So be careful what you say. I suspect it is fine if you want to criticize Christianity or Judaism, but who knows????

Posted in Cultural Breakdown, EU Zone, Islam in Europe, Religious Bigotry | 1 Comment

The Culture Wars in Star Wars — Leftists Ruining Another Good Thing

I know a lot of conservatives don’t care about this sort of stuff, but I think that is a huge mistake. The people who made these movies are vastly more influential over the culture of our country than crooked politicians… and therefore very much more dangerous. While we worry about this election or that election, and get consistently disappointed regardless of who wins, these clowns on the Left are destroying our culture (and frankly everything they touch), and we are not even paying attention.

This video clearly points out the lies and hypocrisy of these vile people. I think the biggest problem with Radical Leftists is that they have taken over our culture through entertainment, education, as well as in politics. Clearly they are not really concerned about ‘strong women’ being given opportunities, but quite the opposite: THEY ARE TERRIFIED OF STRONG WOMEN.

Just look at JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson — they are the worst examples of soy-boys I have ever seen.

Image result for jj abrams rian johnson

If a strong woman walked up to them they would shit their pants. Look at their female ‘heroes’ — wispy little things that a strong breeze would blow away or awkward losers who wouldn’t fit in anywhere. They are terrified of women.

They even take Carrie Fisher and Laura Dern, actresses who have a long history of playing strong women in leading/important roles, and turn them into weak pathetic losers with chips on their shoulders.

The only really strong female character is Captain Phasma played by Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones)

Image result for gwendoline christieand they give her almost no lines and hide her behind a mask, and then allow her to be killed by a defecting storm trooper who was a garbage man. She must of have really scared those two little soy-boys.


Posted in Cultural Breakdown, Media Bias, Media Propaganda | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Are there alternatives to malignant social media?

In my effort to escape a mild FakeBook addiction (at least I like to think it is not too serious a problem), I have been searching for other social media that are perhaps not as malignant. Perhaps I am looking for the equivalent of digital methadone?

One website I used to like is — I specifically use the past tense. It offered ‘amateur’ authors the opportunity to present their works of fact, fiction, and commentary to other similar people. However, lately Medium has been overrun by the most dishonest political smear propagandists and I just can’t stand it anymore. Most of the stories are political crap being sold by con artists who seem to be spending way too much time in their emotionally safe Leftist Bubbles. I am spending most of my time blocking the authors which the system presents to me. Blocking most of the lead stories and authors on Medium is certainly not a motivational way to start my writing day. is a nice place for geeks, and I enjoy the fact that you can have a serious discussion concerning just about anything; Tolkien’s Middle Earth, European History, German Tanks, Food Allergies, etc. But again Quora is starting to be overrun by radical leftists who just post the same repetitive sick demented politically dishonest leading “questions”. Again, I find myself spending way to much time downvoting, and even occasionally blocking the more abusive Quora posters. is essentially a less offensive and intrusive FakeBook substitute, but there is little interaction other than in a few groups. I suppose that is a good thing. Part of the problem of FakeBook is the incessant bombardment of useless emotionally driven garbage from “friends” who I would probably walk past in a bar and not bother to say hello.

It seems that anything that is touched by the Left turns into putrid politically driven fascist trash. Maybe I should just cancel my internet service?

Posted in Cultural Breakdown, Media Bias, Media Propaganda, Social Commentary | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Dangerous Emergence of “Protester Culture”

Over the past decades, across the globe, there has emerged the idea that “protesting” is a valid, legitimate, and altogether natural activity when faced with unappealing election outcomes or disagreeable government behavior. This idea that “protesting” is “democratic” needs to be reconsidered, particularly the notion that protesting is somehow automatically virtuous and democratic when it may very well be the opposite.

Fair and honest elections are what define modern ‘democratic’ self-governing nations, not small bands of hyper-emotional ill informed and too often paid agitators protesting something or other they may not really understand or even care very much about.

Few would suggest that paid protesters opposing an otherwise valid election outcome are a healthy part of a ‘democratic’ system. But beyond the issue of the potential for fraud and malicious manipulation created by the use of paid protesters is the more troubling development of a “protester culture”.

Again, ‘democracies’ in the modern sense of the term are defined by fair and honest elections that the people ACCEPT. You don’t have to like the outcome every time, but you do have to accept the outcome because to do otherwise is to reject the system of self-government. This Acceptance also means that you believe the best way of altering a bad election outcome is to do a better job convincing the voters during the next election. These are the foundational principles of ‘democratic’ self-government. These beliefs need to be supported as matters of Faith in order for self-government to succeed. Protesting a valid and legal election because the other side won is rejecting the ‘democratic’ system, and embracing some very non-democratic alternatives such as rule by mobs, coups by elites, oligarchic conspiracies to manipulate or maintain the status quo, or some unpleasant combination of the above. When this happens your democracy/republic is finished.

To read more:

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REVIEW – Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed

I was traveling on some business in Europe and had a lot of time while sitting around between trains, plains and automobiles. This gave me some time to catch up on some reading. This was one of the books I read. The author, Mikkel Clair Nissen, is a native of Denmark who grew up indoctrinated in the collectivist groupthink of Denmark. He then had the opportunity to travel and experience life outside the Happiest Country in the World, and he discovered a terrible truth: everything in Denmark is a lie.

This realization forced him to re-evaluate his own life, and my guess it was a pretty painful process. As he studied psychology, and upon his return participated in therapy, to try to understand what was wrong with him, he came to the conclusion that life in Denmark, and most other neo-Marxist collectivist states, is driven by narcissistic impulses that create the collectivist system, and that this collectivist system then further increases these narcissistic tendencies in the population.

He relies heavily upon the work of Sandy Hotchkiss, author of the seminal book on narcissism as a psychological trait ‘Why is it Always About You?’. He reviews her ‘7 Deadly Sins of Narcissism’ and compares them to Denmark in both objective and subjective aspects (providing a number of interesting examples from his own personal life):

  1. Shamelessness – an inability to properly process shame.
  2. Magical thinking – using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking to manipulate others, and use of projection to dump shame onto others.
  3. Arrogance – feelings of insecurity and low self-worth triggers a Narcissist to attack others by diminishing, debasing, or degrading them.
  4. Envy – a Narcissist will spend a lot of time attacking others for things they lack themselves.
  5. Entitlement – a Narcissist has unreasonable expectations and demands automatic compliance by others. Failure to comply is considered an attack, and followed by accusations that the other person is an “awkward” or “difficult” person (gaslighting). Taken to extremes this can trigger narcissistic rage.
  6. Exploitation – this can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others.
  7. Bad boundaries – Narcissists do not recognize personal boundaries.

They see others as extensions of themselves. They either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. His analysis is detailed and very laborious at times. Frankly, I think he sometimes overstates his simple thesis by unnecessary repetition. But then I am already in his camp, so perhaps it was a bit of “preaching to the choir” syndrome — I didn’t really need those messages to be hammered in so much.

In summary, if you are interested in reviewing the psychological elements of the development and reality of a neo-Marxist state, Denmark, this book is for you.

Remember, Denmark was not always a socialist nation. They were once the home of Vikings! Not anymore. Most of the world is following in their footsteps either intentionally or unintentionally driven by propagandistic manipulation.

My only real complaint with his analysis is that his tone and target may be misdirected. He is suggesting that those who support the radical Left are mostly suffering from a complex range of narcissistic personality disorders, and again, he is preaching to the choir. I cannot imagine very many people who are actually on the borderline taking his comments and advice kindly. And those should be the people who he targets. They may yet be saved from abusive Leftist narcissistic manipulation. Ultimately though I see very little hope in that.

If all this is true, what is to be done? I think the author has given up hope on Denmark and is hoping that the USA can be saved. This seems unlikely. What do you think?

Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed


Posted in EU Zone, Media Propaganda, Reviews | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

How to be a lying turd…

Humans are particularly dishonest creatures. We are almost always lying. Mostly to ourselves. This is because the secret to being able to lie convincingly is to first convince yourself that the lie is true. This is not easy, but there are ways to do it:

1. Dismiss — When ever you hear or see information that does not conform to your narrow narrative you must simply dismiss it: “That information is not important or relevant to me!” When facts get in the way of your story that means the facts are not important. Move on!

2. Distort — You should never acknowledge facts that go against your narrative, but sometimes you just cannot dismiss them as unimportant and irrelevant. Instead you must distort what the facts actually mean: “The facts don’t really mean what you think they mean! They mean something else!” Essentially you must take the clear meaning of the facts and twist them into something entirely different, and then demand that your spin on the facts are the only truth: “Who are you going to trust; me or your lying eyes?” Repetition helps a lot during this process. It is the art of spinning. Don’t give up! Just keep repeating your side of the story. Eventually you will convince yourself, and perhaps others as well.

3. Distract — If dismissing and distortion does not work, you need to start finding other things to distract yourself and other from the truth. The world is filled with interesting and totally irrelevant stories about actors getting pregnant or adopting children, athletes being arrested, etc. Focus on distracting news stories and gossip. In other words change the subject, and pretend you never heard anything.

4. Discredit — If dismissing, distorting, and distracting yourself and others from unpleasant facts does not work you are left with one last option: find someone or something to hate, and then relentlessly attack him, her, them, it, etc. This is particularly important if they are spouting nonsense such as the truth. In a pinch anybody or anything will work, but remember when you pick on a totally innocent person there is a risk that people will sympathize with him, her, it, etc., so try to find someone who is at least unattractive. Shallow stupid people enjoy seeing unattractive people being insulted and attacked. Remember, anyone who even remotely threatens to disclose the facts, even by accident, is not only your enemy, but is also a very bad person. Uncover (or create) embarrassing facts about their private lives in order to discredit them, attack their family and business associates with lies and innuendo. Or just call them names; fascist, nazi, hater, etc. Do anything that will discredit them — they are your enemies! If you cannot dismiss, distort or distract the facts, you must work to discredit any source of information contrary to your narrative: “How can you believe anything from people who are so BAD!!!!??? They are EVIL!!!!” These enemies MUST BE DISCREDITED in anyway you can so that nothing they say can ever be trusted. They must not be listened to! The louder and more shrill you are the better since it helps you to block out whatever your enemy is saying. You don’t want to yourself or anyone else to even accidentally hear any of that!

There you have it. The most common way most people fool themselves into believing obvious lies. It works even better if you join in with other people and follow these 4 easy steps. The larger the group the easier it is to accept lies and falsehoods. Delusion loves crowds! The best thing about being a total liar in a crowd of other total liars is that you too can be a total liar while holding yourself out as virtuous. Awesome!

Posted in Media Propaganda, Social Commentary | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Is the Left more Stupid or more Dishonest?

I am only sharing this to show how stupid this is. It was obviously produced by some ‘clever’ People’s Democratic Socialists. Why? Well the horizontal axis is nothing more than the ‘traditional’ false Left vs Right (Communist vs Fascist) dichotomy that was created by early 20th Century Marxists to distinguish themselves from their competitors in totalitarianism, the Fascists. Then a vertical scale was added implying authoritarianism that clearly means nothing since Trump is measured as more authoritarian than Mugabe, Mao, and Castro! Ridiculous!

What our Leftist People’s Democratic Socialists were trying to do was counter the two axis plot used by some Libertarians where the horizontal axis represents economic freedom, and the vertical axis represents personal freedom (something that I think is somewhat misleading since the two tend to go hand in hand and cannot be easily separated).

Frankly, I have no idea what the horizontal axis means in this graph other than a repetition of the false Left vs Right dichotomy created by Marxists: it clearly is not a measure of economic freedom since it places Hillary Clinton and Mussolini farther along the horizontal axis than Milton Friedman?????

Posted in Cultural Breakdown, Free Market, Freedom | Tagged | 6 Comments

Will the coming US Civil War be more like the American Civil War or the French Revolution?

“…What’s happening now is different, and scarier in a way. What we’re seeing is much more like the spiraling out of control that happened during the French Revolution. The effort to reform a bankrupt French government had begun in 1789 with solemn religious processions led by bishops. Within just four short years, the French parliament had murdered France’s king and its queen and slaughtered thousands of aristocrats, foreign visitors, priests, monks, nuns, and political dissenters. It seized all the Church’s property and sold it cheap to wealthy allies, and was forcibly conscripting unwilling peasants to fight its wars. One of them was a war of genocide against the conservative, pious population of the Vendee region. The Revolutionary armies massacred some 300,000 civilians, for instance by roping men and women together naked and drowning them in rivers, a rite it sacrilegiously called “republican weddings.” Or loading families onto rafts, then sinking them.

The political frenzy we’re enduring today is much more Jacobin than Confederate. Its demands keep escalating, as one belief or practice that was broadly accepted ten years ago now gets painted as evil, even criminal.

Suddenly, without any scientific discoveries or even persuasive arguments, keeping men out of little girls’ bathrooms is “hateful” transphobia. Enforcing our nation’s borders, as Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and Barbara Jordan once urged, is now a hate crime — unjustly “discriminating” against people based merely on their “immigration status.” Separating children from illegal immigrants who claim to be their parents — which President Obama did just two years ago — is suddenly compared (by the former director of the CIA, Michael Hayden) with the culling and murder of Jews in concentration camps. Catholic bishops who wink at pro-abortion Catholic senators are threatening blue-collar ICE workers and Border Patrol agents with excommunication. In 2017, 24 of those bishops joined a Vatican cardinal at a meeting of a radical leftist group and promised to “disrupt” the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.”

for more:

Posted in American Decline, Cultural Breakdown, National Breakup/Breakdown | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Is Mexico Officially Joining the Ranks of Failed States?

Let’s look no further than Mexico, our southern neighbor in absolute free fall, for some ideas. Here are a few things we’ve observed over the past year:

  • Mexico just elected a Leftist populist leader who railed against the incumbent president over 1) widespread corruption, 2) rising crime, 3) the inability to deal with the cartels, and 4) a lack of economic growth.
  • Drug cartels run Mexico. Underneath the positions of de jure power (the president, the congress, state governors, mayors, etc.) are echelons of de facto power. When we talk about collapse, this is the collapse of the Mexican government which lost political control over large swathes of their country. Do you remember the scene in Captain Philips, where the Somali pirate is holding the AK-47 and says, “Look at me. I am de captain now”? That’s the relationship between irregular forces in de facto authority/control over an area, and the government with de jure authority. And for much of Mexico, that’s the relationship between cartels, militias, and their federal government. That’s a great example of collapse.
  • The Associated Press last week reported about a rise in “mass crime” in Mexico: “'[S]ocialized’ or ‘mass’ crimes are spreading in Mexico as entire communities empty freight trains of merchandise or steal hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel from pipelines.” That’s reminiscent of U.S. flash mobs where, oftentimes, dozens of black teenagers will loot convenience stories (Wal-Marts have also been targets) and authorities are basically powerless to a) prevent it and b) catch all the thieves. Back to the situation in Mexico, the AP cites a research fellow at Columbia University: “The logic of the people [engaged in mass theft] is that they see politicians and officials stealing big time … and they see themselves as having the same right to steal as the big-time politicians.” He continues: “You begin to create an ethical code in which, ‘If the upper-class people can steal and get away with it, we can steal, too, with complete justification.’” That’s a society in collapse.
  • In May, two supermarkets refused to pay an extortion fee for a local cartel and paid a price, anyway. Gunmen broke locks on the two supermarkets and allowed the locals to loot the stores. “Police didn’t show up for hours” and the supermarket owners were virtually powerless in preventing the mass looting. This is happening across the country. That’s a society in outright collapse. That’s an outright “failure of civility”.
  • Earlier this year, train robbers were blocking tracks an average of six times per day, where “thieves open up grain hoppers or freight cars and people swoop in en masse as police or soldiers stand by outnumbered and overwhelmed.”
  • There’s a CBC article from March 2017 that claims “Mexican cartel earns more from mining and logging than drugs”. Instead of producing and trafficking methamphetamine for their primary source of income, the cartel is mining, transporting and selling iron ore and clear cutting forests for lumber. Where are the authorities to stop the illegal mining and logging? Virtually no where to be found. “I’ve never looked at them as drug-trafficking organizations,” Logan said of Mexico’s cartels. Says one expert: “[The cartels are] multinational corporations that will react to market pressures and do what they have to do to stay in business.”
  • In 2017, Mexico experienced a record number of homicides, numbering nearly 30,000, and the country is on track to make a new homicide record in 2018. There have been over 200,000 murders since 2007. There’s no control over the lawlessness. [source]

We often think of places like Somalia and Afghanistan as failed states yet we overlook our southern neighbor and fail to realize just how bad the situation is there. And I think we should consider it as a model for U.S. collapse. (The word “ungovernable” comes to mind, which incidentally is a rallying cry of the anti-Trump resistance.)

read more at:


Posted in Cultural Breakdown, Economic Decline, National Breakup/Breakdown | Tagged , | 37 Comments