Will the coming US Civil War be more like the American Civil War or the French Revolution?

“…What’s happening now is different, and scarier in a way. What we’re seeing is much more like the spiraling out of control that happened during the French Revolution. The effort to reform a bankrupt French government had begun in 1789 with solemn religious processions led by bishops. Within just four short years, the French parliament had murdered France’s king and its queen and slaughtered thousands of aristocrats, foreign visitors, priests, monks, nuns, and political dissenters. It seized all the Church’s property and sold it cheap to wealthy allies, and was forcibly conscripting unwilling peasants to fight its wars. One of them was a war of genocide against the conservative, pious population of the Vendee region. The Revolutionary armies massacred some 300,000 civilians, for instance by roping men and women together naked and drowning them in rivers, a rite it sacrilegiously called “republican weddings.” Or loading families onto rafts, then sinking them.

The political frenzy we’re enduring today is much more Jacobin than Confederate. Its demands keep escalating, as one belief or practice that was broadly accepted ten years ago now gets painted as evil, even criminal.

Suddenly, without any scientific discoveries or even persuasive arguments, keeping men out of little girls’ bathrooms is “hateful” transphobia. Enforcing our nation’s borders, as Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and Barbara Jordan once urged, is now a hate crime — unjustly “discriminating” against people based merely on their “immigration status.” Separating children from illegal immigrants who claim to be their parents — which President Obama did just two years ago — is suddenly compared (by the former director of the CIA, Michael Hayden) with the culling and murder of Jews in concentration camps. Catholic bishops who wink at pro-abortion Catholic senators are threatening blue-collar ICE workers and Border Patrol agents with excommunication. In 2017, 24 of those bishops joined a Vatican cardinal at a meeting of a radical leftist group and promised to “disrupt” the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.”

for more: https://pjmedia.com/trending/the-resistance-is-turning-into-a-national-lynch-mob/

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12 Responses to Will the coming US Civil War be more like the American Civil War or the French Revolution?

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    If there will be a civil war in the USA, it will probably look closer to what happened in France, even though I guess it would depend whose side the armed forces would decide to be on.

    A related thought actually crossed my mind the other day, namely that Westerners rising up and doing something would not necessarily lead to a better society, the French Revolution mentioned in the title being the case in point, it has had a totally dysgenic effect on the French people and it is the direct cause of France’s current degeneracy, the revolution in Iran in 1979 lead to a worse society, etc.

    • fafc says:

      I am actually hoping for a Velvet Divorce in America. There is just no way for Americans to live together peacefully, and there is certainly no benefit. Hoping, but not optimistic.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        That would be nice, but I think the chances of that are extremely slim, the situation of Czechoslovakia in 1993 and the USA today couldn’t be more different, the Czechs and Slovaks were (and still are) generally sensible people, they (the common people) had (and have) good relations with each other, they are both Slavs, the vast majority of Czechs lived in what is now the Czech Republic and the vast majority of Slovaks lived in what is now Slovakia, etc., while the USA of today is full of racial tension, “liberals” and “conservatives” hate each other, American “liberals” are anything but sensible people, “liberals” are spread all over the country (almost every major city in the USA is run by leftists), a “divorce” would give the majority of the USA’s territory to “conservatives”, and the leftists have no reason to do that, since the whole country will be theirs once enough Latin American socialists move to the USA and get voting rights (so probably some time around the middle of this century), etc., so all in all I think you are more likely to win the lottery than see a “velvet divorce” happen in America.

        • fafc says:

          True, but they really hate conservative Americans, and they are losing. I don’t think they can take too much more. I once believed the conservatives would be the ones moving for separation, but I now think it will be the radical Leftists who are now in control of the major urban centers. Where they can successfully secede I think they will try. And I don’t see anyone willing to stop them.

  2. Croatian Capitalist says:


    Looking at the map, maybe New England and some of the coastal parts of California, Washington, Oregon and Florida could secede, in the rest of the country I just couldn’t see it happening, they would be landlocked and surrounded by the “conservative” United States of America (mostly) on all sides, so without some sort of mass population exchange happening, I think that “liberal” secession will for the most part remain a nice pipe dream, I mean don’t get me wrong, I would love it if all of the idiots in America moved to New England, Washington (the state), Oregon and California and seceded and the remaning USA became a sane country again (I would probably launch an application for a Green Card the day after it happened), I just realistically can’t see it happening.

    • fafc says:

      If it happens, I suspect it will trigger a dramatic disintegration of the USA into many smaller states. I can sell both the East Coast and the Left Coast leaving on their own. But I cannot see the remaining states staying unified. Why would Wisconsin want to stay with Texas? And vice-versa? It is not necessary to restore sanity to the USA. A simple return to a ‘state’ oriented nation with a dramatically small and less intrusive Federal government would solve the problem. People in California can do what they want to do, and people in Texas can do what they want to do. The problem is that the Leftist want to impose their ideas on everyone.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Another problem is the fact that the states have no control over who they let in from other states, there is no mechanism in place for stopping for example millions of leftists moving from California to Texas.

        • fafc says:

          Indeed that is a problem. But it would be less of a problem if we had less Federal government interference. Birds of a feather flock together. Leftists will flock to their own nests.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            Until their make their own nests unlivable and decide to invade other’s nests and make them unlivable too (which you can see in the places Californians have moved to en masse in Texas, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, etc.).

  3. Croatian Capitalist says:

    This map is even more interesting: http://orig00.deviantart.net/6f33/f/2016/328/d/7/usa_2016_election__white_voters_only__preliminary__by_reagentah-dapfdhy.png

    Its no wonder that the democratic party wants to bring in as many non-Whites as possible into the country, when if the USA was still around 90% White (like it was prior to the Hart–Celler Act of 1963), the democrats would have no chance of getting into power.

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