Degradation and Replacement of British Culture and Morals

This is an outstanding presentation by Melanie Philips on the demise of Britain and British culture. How the country that has been the MOST tolerant of its Muslim immigrant population has ended up being the most hated by its Muslim population. I also found her initial discussion about the degradation of British and European culture which makes them vulnerable to Islamic infiltration very interesting.


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The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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40 Responses to Degradation and Replacement of British Culture and Morals

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    An OK presentation, but the British really have only themselves to blame, the Muslims and the other third World immigrants didn’t let themselves into the country, neither are they the ones who passed the various silly laws that have led to the current situation, that was all done by the British themselves after World War II ended, they gave a landslide victory to the Labour Party in 1945, which then among other laws introduced the British Nationality Act in 1948, which basically allowed for unrestrained immigration from it’s colonies into the UK, which was the start of the “multicultural” Britain that we see today.

    • ◄Dave► says:

      Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that the British have only their ancestors to blame? Anyone who could have voted in 1945 would have to be at least 90-years-old today, and the vast majority who did so would be well past 100.

      This would be akin to blaming living Americans for all the mischief done to our Constitution in 1913 (16th & 17th Amendments and Federal Reserve Act) because our ancestors (all born in the 1800’s) were somehow hoodwinked into electing Progressives to government.

      It is egregious enough to assert that because one happens to be born in a certain locale, he is obligated to adopt without question the extant culture and obey all the laws established by his ancestors. To then say he is actually to blame for such, and suggest that he has no cause to complain about them, because he was born a citizen therein, appears to me to be rather faulty logic. ◄Dave►

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Your logic maybe would make some manner of sense if the majority of the British electorate didn’t continuously support such policies from 1945 till the present, but they have, so the majority of Britons do have only themselves to blame for the current situation, I of course do sympathize with the minority who were and are opposed to all of this, but societies (especially the ones which practice democracy) are judged by the behavior/opinions of the majority of people, and not by a minority of them.

        And nowhere did I assert what you wrote/implied that I asserted, nor did I suggest/write that they have no right to complain about it (I only wrote that they have only themselves to blame for the current situation, which is the truth), I of course hope that the UK (and all other Western countries with such problems) will fix it’s problems peacefully.

  2. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Actually, after looking at the issue further, I saw that British legislation started going the the wrong direction even before 1945:

  3. Croatian Capitalist says:

    It continues: Koran should be read at Prince Charles’ coronation says top bishop:

    I don’t think that it will actually happen, but it shows shows why the Church of England has lost so many members in the last decades.

  4. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The country that was once the freest in the World is going to end up being more anti-freedom than communist China.

  5. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Sick, the modern UK is beyond disgraceful, I won’t even visit as a tourist.

  6. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The British government openly admits it lets jihadis freely roam Britain, this is getting beyond ridiculous, Britain’s reality is becoming too absurd even for a Monty Python sketch.

  7. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The modern UK is a sick place, arresting a pensioner for defending himself, his wife and their home from invaders is beyond despicable.

  8. Croatian Capitalist says:

    I think that the UK is going to end up being worse than it did in Orwell’s book.

  9. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Even though this is still only a proposal, I have no doubt that it or something like it will be passed.

  10. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Traditional Irish values are also going the way of the Dodo bird:

  11. Croatian Capitalist says:
    • alex says:

      The insanity that is taking over the West is sickening. This transgender thing is just the latest example. A few years ago you would have been laughed at if you would have suggested things would get so stupid.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, that is perhaps the scariest thing about this, if somebody had seriously suggested to me as little as 10 years ago that places such as the UK, Ireland, USA, etc. would get as degenerate as they are now in 10 years time, I would have thought that they were crazy and laughed, a further decade or two ago anyone seriously saying publicly that genders aren’t biological would have likely been committed to an insane asylum, while those countries are now at such a level of depravity that nothing insane from them can surprise me anymore.

  12. Croatian Capitalist says:

    This is yet another problem with the modern West, even if the voters vote for the sane option, in many cases either the politicians or the courts overrule their will and nobody does anything about it, remember proposition 187 in California for example? The voters overwhelmingly voted for it, but the courts struck it down and now California is becoming increasingly third world.

  13. Croatian Capitalist says:

    “Britain brings in 1,100 refugees from Syria in three months – but none are Christians despite their suffering in seven-year civil war”

    No surprises in this story.

  14. Croatian Capitalist says:

    And this clown has a strong chance of becoming the UK’s next prime minister, that says a lot about the modern UK.

  15. Croatian Capitalist says:

    This is state-sanctioned child abuse, Scotland is the sickest part of the UK.

  16. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The Dutch seem to be into the Anglo style self-hate as well.

  17. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The modern British are really pathetic, I think I won’t post stories from the UK anymore, it is clear that they are a hopeless bunch of losers.

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