Long Live the Revolution!

This summer’s Marxist revolution involving BLM and ANTIFA (if you are interested in my opinion regarding the true nature of BLM and ANTIFA: The Ideologies of ANTIFA and BLM in a Nutshell) is part of an ongoing over-reaction to The Donald (or Orange Man Bad if you prefer) by the Leftist Elites (or the The Swamp or the Deep State — take your pick).

And it may very well be the undoing of them. But don’t start celebrating just yet. It may be the undoing of the rest of us as well.

During the last 50 to 70 years, the Marxists inside the USA have accomplished a non-violent ‘Long March through the Institutions’ and came out in control of the universities, the media (news and entertainment), the national and state government bureaucracies, big businesses, and they have gained effective control of the Democratic Party and a great deal of influence in the Republican Party. They are still a minority, but they control all the political tools of society. With Obama they took control of the national law enforcement and military hierarchy. If you were going to execute a coup those would be the levers of power you would want to seize control over. All the while the rest of us complained ineffectually and did nothing.

Then Trump was elected when he was supposed to lose to the Anointed One. The Elites were shocked.

How did it happen?

Unfortunately for the Elites they really did not make any sincere effort to answer that question. If they had seriously sought an answer they would have concluded that the election of Trump was more of an opposition vote against a particularly vile candidate and perhaps a vague knee-jerk reaction against a globalist set of policies that were impoverishing the working class. Instead of reacting calmly to to the setback… working to co-opt the inexperienced and unprepared Trump in an effort to neutralize him, they responded in a rather hysterical manner opposing him at all levels and seeking to remove him.

Instead of treating Trump as an anomaly caused by their over-reaching and heavy handedness — an anomaly that would most likely have passed as the restive masses who elected him resumed their supine positions after having a few bones thrown their way — our Elites decided to threaten their own hard won victories in the Long March and the Culture Wars by fomenting a real revolution using the violent, and in their eyes gullible fools, in BLM and ANTIFA in a final effort to topple Trump and restore themselves to power.

All they had to do was outlast Trump — another 4 years at worst — and then they would have been back in power. But it turned out they were a bunch of nervous Nellies and they couldn’t wait that long.

Starting a real revolution is very dangerous. First of all the revolutionary genie may not want to go back into the bottle after the Master’s goals have been achieved, and there is a possibility that the obvious excesses that take place during a revolution will result in a counter-revolution that the Elites will not be able to suppress.

We will see if the American Sheeple have any fight left in them. And more importantly if there is any leadership capable of taking control of a counter-revolution and leading it effectively. My guess is NO. So the Swamp has that going for them.

As for what happens to the revolutionary genies of BLM and ANTIFA, that will be an interesting thing to watch. But probably not a pleasant thing. Leading up to the Russian Revolution the Bolsheviks were supported by an odd mixture of German military intelligence seeking to undermine the Russian war effort during WWI, and ‘Elite’ elements within the Russian government, military and intelligence services, and Russian cultural intelligentsia that wanted to modernize Russia at any cost. These Elites thought the radical Bolsheviks, along with other revolutionary movements, would be ideal tools to use to topple the government… and that these revolutionary movements would then be very easy to dispose of once the Elites were in power. That didn’t quite work out as they planned.

I suspect BLM and ANTIFA may prove to be similarly resilient, and will ignore the calls by the Elites to go home after they have served their intended purpose. If they follow the historical course of most such revolutions there will be a brief but very nasty internal purge that will leave only one operating revolutionary movement standing. Then the surviving group will begin consolidating power by turning against the very Elites that brought them into existence, and destroying any other groups that might stand in their way.

We will see. A lot depends upon the result of this election. Or not.

PS: Some of you may take issue with my dismissive and less than optimistic view of the rise of a successful counter-revolution. A counter-revolution needs leadership. There is no such leadership in the USA. At best such a counter-revolution could evolve on a regional basis and thus could be attacked and eliminated piecemeal — or just ignored and allowed to putter about until the revolutionaries decided they were powerful enough to force them back into the ‘Union’. “But surely you are under-estimating the influence of Trump! He won’t let the country devolve into a Marxist Revolution!” He already has. Roughly half of the country is now controlled by Marxists in one way or another — California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, etc (I am sure I am missing some). As described above the ‘Long March through the Institutions’ have effectively given control over most of the national political infrastructure to the Leftist Elites. Trump is not a leader of the future. He is the last gasp of a dead regime — the national government fell to the Marxists over a decade ago. Trump is an anachronistic hold over from the ‘ancien regime’ — an anomaly that never represented a viable governing force within the national apparatus. At the national level Trump is surrounded by powerful enemies that have and will continue to oppose anything he tries to do. One step out of line and he will be eliminated. I suspect trying to lead a counter-revolution would be suicide for him and his family. That is too much to expect of anyone.

The only hope America has is that the Elites turn out to be so incompetent and the revolutionaries so irrational as to begin fighting among themselves before actually obtaining a complete victory, giving the rest of us an opportunity to step up and form a viable alternative. Hope costs nothing, but is not a good strategy. Again, we will see what happens next.

About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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