REVIEW – Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed

I was traveling on some business in Europe and had a lot of time while sitting around between trains, plains and automobiles. This gave me some time to catch up on some reading. This was one of the books I read. The author, Mikkel Clair Nissen, is a native of Denmark who grew up indoctrinated in the collectivist groupthink of Denmark. He then had the opportunity to travel and experience life outside the Happiest Country in the World, and he discovered a terrible truth: everything in Denmark is a lie.

This realization forced him to re-evaluate his own life, and my guess it was a pretty painful process. As he studied psychology, and upon his return participated in therapy, to try to understand what was wrong with him, he came to the conclusion that life in Denmark, and most other neo-Marxist collectivist states, is driven by narcissistic impulses that create the collectivist system, and that this collectivist system then further increases these narcissistic tendencies in the population.

He relies heavily upon the work of Sandy Hotchkiss, author of the seminal book on narcissism as a psychological trait ‘Why is it Always About You?’. He reviews her ‘7 Deadly Sins of Narcissism’ and compares them to Denmark in both objective and subjective aspects (providing a number of interesting examples from his own personal life):

  1. Shamelessness – an inability to properly process shame.
  2. Magical thinking – using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking to manipulate others, and use of projection to dump shame onto others.
  3. Arrogance – feelings of insecurity and low self-worth triggers a Narcissist to attack others by diminishing, debasing, or degrading them.
  4. Envy – a Narcissist will spend a lot of time attacking others for things they lack themselves.
  5. Entitlement – a Narcissist has unreasonable expectations and demands automatic compliance by others. Failure to comply is considered an attack, and followed by accusations that the other person is an “awkward” or “difficult” person (gaslighting). Taken to extremes this can trigger narcissistic rage.
  6. Exploitation – this can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others.
  7. Bad boundaries – Narcissists do not recognize personal boundaries.

They see others as extensions of themselves. They either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. His analysis is detailed and very laborious at times. Frankly, I think he sometimes overstates his simple thesis by unnecessary repetition. But then I am already in his camp, so perhaps it was a bit of “preaching to the choir” syndrome — I didn’t really need those messages to be hammered in so much.

In summary, if you are interested in reviewing the psychological elements of the development and reality of a neo-Marxist state, Denmark, this book is for you.

Remember, Denmark was not always a socialist nation. They were once the home of Vikings! Not anymore. Most of the world is following in their footsteps either intentionally or unintentionally driven by propagandistic manipulation.

My only real complaint with his analysis is that his tone and target may be misdirected. He is suggesting that those who support the radical Left are mostly suffering from a complex range of narcissistic personality disorders, and again, he is preaching to the choir. I cannot imagine very many people who are actually on the borderline taking his comments and advice kindly. And those should be the people who he targets. They may yet be saved from abusive Leftist narcissistic manipulation. Ultimately though I see very little hope in that.

If all this is true, what is to be done? I think the author has given up hope on Denmark and is hoping that the USA can be saved. This seems unlikely. What do you think?

Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed


About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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6 Responses to REVIEW – Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    The Scandinavians definitely have some serious mental issues, but since they were and are the biggest supporters of the social degeneration of the West (plus Sweden actively supported leftist, anti-Western terrorists around the World), I won’t shed a tear for them once the third worlders completely take over.

    As for the USA being saved, I still hope that it will somehow happen (even though I am not at all optimistic about it), because the more I look around the World and read history books, the more I realise how unique what the American Founding Fathers created was, and consequently I think that if the USA isn’t saved and brought back to sanity, that nobody will even attempt a similar experiment in the next 1000 years (if ever), nevermind successfully implementing it like the American Founding Fathers did.

    • fafc says:

      Perhaps not 1000 years…

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Well, maybe it wouldn’t take a 1000 years for somebody to attempt it, but in a World where the CCP-run China is the hegemon, how do you think that attempt would end? In my opinion it would most likely be brutally crushed by the CCP-lead “international community”.

  2. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Another reason why I would like to see the USA recover is the fact that the World has always had a dominant power (Iran/Persia, Greece, Rome, the British Empire, etc.), and it will have one in the future too, and I would rather it be a returned to sanity USA, than a China run by the CCP (perhaps the most evil organization in Human history), or a EU run by the anti-Western loons in Bruxelles, or a Russia run by the KGB criminals, or some Wahhabi Caliphate run by the Saudi degenerates, etc., there is no sane alternative to American world leadership even on the horizon at the moment.

    • fafc says:

      Yup. The only thing worse than American Global Hegemony is everything else.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, but you can’t explain that to the America-hating idiots, they won’t understand reality until the Chinese/Russian/Wahhabi boot is on their neck and are eating grass, at which point it will of course be too late to do anything about it.

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