The Depressing Future of the USSA

If you thought Ocasio-Cortez gave a bad answer on Israel ...

Conservatives are having a lot of fun calling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stupid, etc. Ok. I am not going to defend her intelligence, knowledge, or experience. I disagree with almost everything she says. But I do respect her for getting off her ass and doing something to promote her political agenda. She won. She is in Congress.

How did she get elected? She promised a bunch of Millennials and other assorted disgruntled Leftists that she supported giving them a bunch of free stuff, getting rid of their debts, and giving them a guaranteed income for life if they voted for her. Oh, and punishing rich people.

She won.

In 2020 there is going to be another election, this time for President as well as for Senators and Representatives. The Democrats know who their voters are: The Greatest Generation who voted for FDR (who promised them a bunch of free stuff that he never delivered on but made them vote for him over and over), who then raised the Worst Generation that burned their draft cards, and voted for Jimmy Carter, and who then raised the Stupidest Generation that we refer to as the Millennials (so far their voting habits are not well known since they seem to be too lazy to bother to vote, but we will see…). The Millennials are the future voters of the USA. And the Democrats think they know what these voters want:

  • free health care,
  • free education,
  • guaranteed minimum income,
  • minimum wage of $15.00 or higher,
  • forgiveness of student loans,
  • forgiveness of “predatory” mortgages,
  • forgiveness of any loan that is “unfair”, etc.

Anything else you can imagine someone wanting??? The government will give it to them for free!!!!! Oh, and punish the rich!

Obama was just a taste of what we are going to get. We are going to get full on socialism in the future.

Now, you may think Alexandria Whats-Hername is not very smart, and I understand why you think so. But she and other people just like her will be plenty smart enough to get elected. All they need to do is promise to give the Stupidest Generation everything they want without totally irritating the few survivors of the Greatest Generation (who voted for FDR), and the Worst Generation. And then they win. The Stupidest Generation is too stupid to know that the promises are worse than false… that they will actually destroy the country. The Greatest Generation is still worshiping at FDR’s tomb, and the Worst Generation probably agrees with everything that these people are saying (as long as no one touches their retirement benefits and 401K accounts!!!!). I bet these people will even be wearing yellow vests!

Now once she and those like her are elected they are going to have a big problem. How to come up with the money to pay for all the free stuff they are giving away????? The economy is going to collapse. But that is no problem. Look around the world. Look at history. This does not cause a socialist country to reverse course; rather it motivates the leaders to go even more radical. All they need is a group of people to blame (and lots of goons with guns to intimidate everyone). That will be the “rich”! Taxes will go up, property will be confiscated including gold and silver if they know you have some.

If you don’t go along with the program you will be re-educated or worse.

Then you can laugh about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being stupid. I am sure people in the USSR who were dying in the gulags were comforted by laughing at Stalin. What a fool he was!

About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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42 Responses to The Depressing Future of the USSA

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Yes, some years back Ivy League students unfortunately for some reason choose to hold a regatta near the place I vas vacationing in, and they made Joe Biden look like a genius in comparison, so if that is America’s future elite, then it is very hard to have any optimism about the USA’s future.

    Actually, I am starting to doubt if the USA being saved even in the long-term is something remotely realistic, I mean the USA will probably stay afloat for many decades to come because of the financial shenanigans it is allowed to pull based on the USD’s status the the world’s reserve currency and because it is a resource rich country, but eventually the USD will lose it’s status and the money made from the USA’s natural resources won’t be enough to pay for the gigantic entitlement programs, so the bubble will burst and what will be left? A ruined third world country full of socialist snowflake retards and where there won’t be anyone alive who will remember a time when the USA was even a remotely sane country, so unfortunately I don’t see where America’s salvation is supposed to come from.

    • fafc says:

      I think there is a very good chance the USSA will continue to survive, if not prosper, not because there will be some kind of reform or improvement so much as it will be least dysfunctional country out there. Sometimes the secret is not being smarter than the other guys, but just not being as stupid. Looking around the world, that is a particularly low bar.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        I don’t see that happening (I mean maybe it will formally continue to exist, but excluding small pockets of the country here and there I can’t see it prospering, third world people (it probably won’t take more than 20 years from now for them to become the majority) = third world country, it is that simple) based on current trends in 60 years China will be a first world country and will have likely have solved it’s pollution problems, plus it won’t have hundreds of millions of third worlders within it’s borders like the USA will, so only a complete loon would move to any major American city (which will all look like Detroit by then) instead of Beijing or Shanghai in 2080, Japan and Korea (I expect reunification to occur by then) will also likely by fully functioning major countries in 2080.

        • fafc says:

          Oh, I think there is a very big chance of the USSA being the least fucked up place on earth. Again that won’t be a very high hurdle. China is a giant with feet of clay. Europe is disintegrating. India is more fucked up than anything out there. The rest of the world is just a mess. I am not saying the USSA will be something worth admiring. Just better than the competition.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            If the USSA with it’s socialist snowflakes who deny even basic biology, hundreds of millions of third worlders, crime-ridden cities, far left media and universities, no real national identity, anti-Western churches, no rule of law, etc. will be the least bad country, then we should forget about “finding a free country” and start working on a warp drive!

            As for China, as I have mentioned several times, I have no love for the CCP, and I also think I listed a few times the various issues that China faces which dampen my optimism regarding it’s future, but between China and the USSA, my money would hands down still be on China.

            In any case, accurately predicting the long-term future of various countries is very hard, for example Argentina at the start of 20th century seemed destined for greatness, but by the middle of the 20th century it was already a socialist basket-case, and it remains such today, in 1970 Iran seemed to be a country going places, in 1979 it was sent back to the Dark Ages by Khomeini and his followers, and it is still a bad country in 2018, in the 1960’s South Korea and Singapore were third world countries, a generation later they were first world countries and remain such in 2018, etc.

          • fafc says:

            Yes, indeed. Predicting anything is difficult. I particularly like your pointing out Iran during the 1970s. Iran was considered to be not just an up and coming first world country but perhaps even another Super Power to compete with the USA and the USSR. Some Iranians continue to believe the USA was behind the Iranian Revolution because it was afraid of what Iran could become. Pakistan was another country that had a bright and shiny future in the 1970s. Add in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, etc. to the list. And China and India were poverty ridden backward shitholes. At least some countries have met our expectations: Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, North Korea, Mongolia.

            It is for this reason that I think the USSA may yet be a center of commerce although not education, civilization, and meaningful progress. Again, the USSA does not even have to remain as good as it is now. It just has to descend into chaos and savagery at a slower pace than the rest of the world.

            Warp drives would be nice, but I know the stupid motherfuckers would follow me, so what’s the point?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know whether the USA was behind it, but it is a fact that having Jimmy Carter in the White House helped Khomeini gain power.

    In my view the only Muslim countries which have the potential for greatness are Iran and Turkey, but Iran has been set back centuries and Turkey sadly seems to be heading in that direction as well.

    India still is a poverty-ridden third world cesspool, over 600 million Indians don’t even have toilets! India, Brazil, Mexico, etc. will never amount to anything, for a very politically incorrect reason.

    I get your logic that to be the top country you don’t necessarily need to be smart, just less stupid than everybody else, but I don’t get why you think that China, Japan and Korea, homogenous first world countries (OK, China still isn’t a first world country today, but it will be in a few decades time) with no interest in bringing in third world riff-raff en masse will turn chaotic and savage(and especially to a higher degree than the USA, a country that will at that point have hundreds of millions of third worlders within it’s borders)? Not to mention that your universities have been rotted to the core by “cultural marxism”, while such lunacy is non-existant (or next to non-existant) there, they have real national identities, the USA doesn’t, even today they have better infrastructure than the USA, they don’t have media, churches, etc. pushing self-hate, the USA does, etc., so based on current trends there is no way that the USA will be the “least stupid country” in 60 years time.

    The point is if “Star Trek” type technology was available, millions of sane Westerners could settle an uninhabited planet and build a sane society from the ground up and ban the idiots you mention from coming there even as tourists, nevermind as settlers.

    • fafc says:

      Everything seems better when you are looking at your own flaws. Japan is a demographic cemetery. Korea at best an anomaly. China an edifice built upon a foundation of sand. China is an incredibly dangerous system. The people are in complete misery. The economic basis nothing more than smoke and mirrors (and that is in comparison to the smoke and mirrors of the Western World). The whole thing could just come falling down at the smallest nudge. Or not. But whatever the case it is clearly not a sturdy and reliable basis for the future. I sure as hell would not sell everything I have to move to China even if they would let me. Just look at what wealthy Chinese are doing. They are moving out. They have no faith in their system. Zero. I am not talking about mild doubts, but profound distrust. Oddly enough I have more faith in India than China. Yes, the place is a hugely fucked up pile of shit. But it functions pretty much on its own like that. The government comes along and does incredibly stupid counter-productive things, and still the system survives. It is resilient. China is the very opposite of resilient.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Regarding Japan, I don’t look at it that way, Japan is an island (actually a group of islands, but you know that I mean) the size of Montana with a population 126 times larger than Montana’s and with scarce natural resources, plus it is a country at the forefront of robotics, so they could have low fertility for the next 50 or 100 years and they would still be a safe, populous, homogenous and technologically advanced first world nation, only they would have much more room for large Japanese families than they do today, while on the other hand real Americans will be surrounded and vastly outnumbered by hundreds of millions of third worlders and live in a violent third world country (it will probably look like a mix of current-day Brazil and Mexico), so the USA looks much like a demographic cemetery to me than Japan (at least concerning the demographics of first world people), Japan will still be Japan in 100 years, while the USA (if it even survives) will be a North American version of Brazil.

        In regards to China, I don’t really believe in the system either, I believe in the Chinese people themselves, the Chinese are a proud first world people with a real identity and a very long history of advanced civilization.

        Even if the current system did violently collapse (which I don’t think it will), at worst China would be unstable for a decade or two, after which it would start rebuilding itself on much healthier foundations, so in the long run China would still eclipse the USA.

        As for moving to China, I wouldn’t move there at this moment in time either, but if my only choices were between moving to let’s say Xiamen and to let’s say New York City, I would move to Xiamen, I don’t believe in America’s future at all anymore, while in China’s case I at least believe in it’s long-term future.

        In regards to India, yes, it might be a stable cesspool, but that is it’s maximum, it will never amount to anything more, so it’s not worth seriously discussing India as a potential superpower and especially not as an emigration destination.

  3. Croatian Capitalist says:

    I forgot to add a couple of things above:

    1) The East Asians don’t practice affirmative action, the USA does.

    2) Another thing which complicates predictions is that the map of the World constantly changes, for example if you look at a map of the World from 50 years ago, you won’t find either of the countries we live in on it! In 1770 the USA didn’t even exist, but in 1870 it was already the third largest economy in the World (after the British Empire and Imperial China), etc., so the country or federation which will be preeminent in say 2088 might not even exist now! For example maybe the Poles will revive Pilsudski’s Intermarium idea and that federation will be the preeminent power in 2088!

  4. Croatian Capitalist says:

    One more thing I would like to add in regards to demographics is that I think it is more important (at least in the short-term) why the birth rates are low than the fact that birth rates are low itself, for example in Hong Kong renting a decent place just for yourself is (very) expensive, so can you really blame couples there for generally not having more than one child? I can’t, then in various countries the governments have drastically lowered the standard of living through inflation, bad tax policies forcing companies to outsource and by bringing in third world criminals en masse into the country, etc., so can you really blame couples in such countries for not having large families on average? I can’t, then you have countries (China in the 1970’s, South Korea in the 1980’s, Iran in the 1990’s, etc.) which did the incredibly idiotic thing of deliberately lowering the birth rates, etc.

    Let’s be realistic, the only reasons that short-term low birth rates are a problem are because of the modern welfare states and third world immigration, OK you could add a third reason, namely that it is a sign of the decadence of the people, but when you take a closer look at various countries, then you see that the source of this mess is generally government idiocy, and not people becoming decedent out of the blue.

    The demographic problems plaguing much of the World today are more complex than the leftist media make them out to be, and the “solution” (opening the floodgates to third world savages) which the leftist media proposes is obviously no solution at all.

    The last point I would like to make is that the fact that a country has a low birth rate overall does not mean that every group living in that country has low birth rates, for example the USA does have below replacement level fertility, but the Mormons and Amish living in it do not, so without immigration the USA wouldn’t perish, it would just eventually get transformed into a giant mix of urban Utah and rural Pennsylvania.

  5. fafc says:

    I agree that lower birth rates are not in and of themselves a critical issue. However, the demographic problem comes about because of the way the corrupt political European Elites have managed to maintain control over Europe. They made a bargain with their citizens:

    “You lowly plebs will allow us to continue to control everything in this lovely little oligarchy, and in return you will receive generous welfare benefits: free health care, free education including higher education (if we decide to let you into the club), lots of vacation time, short work weeks, etc. etc. etc.”

    This situation worked just fine for a long time. However, as the birth rate went down (in and of itself not a problem) it creates a demographic problem due to the fact that these generous welfare programs can no longer be financed from a smaller pool of workers. This means the European Elites are facing very real existential crisis: if they cannot produce those generous welfare benefits they will lose power.

    Their solution was to bring in foreign immigrants to fill in that demographic hole in their plans. It more or less worked in the USA. But in Europe it did not work. Europe is a very different place than the USA since Europeans are much less open to massive numbers of foreigners, and the immigrant ‘workers’ chosen by the European Elites proved to be the opposite of the busy little worker bees that the European Elites needed to continue in political control.

    Here is a nice video that rather supports the argument that lower birth rates are not necessarily the problem:

  6. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Yes, the so-called “welfare” state is about the politicians having power over the people, and not about the actual welfare of the people.

    As I wrote, in the short-term low birth rates (unless they are caused by the decadance of the common people) are not the problem, what worries me much more is the continual political idiocy, such as creating inflation, even though it lowers the standard of living, which makes it harder to have a large family, bringing third worlders in en masse, even though it has been a failure everywhere it has been tried, then in Japan’s specific case, do you know how they plan to get the birth rates up? By bringing more women into the workforce, something that has provingly lowered birth rates everywhere! And the list of political idiocy just goes on and on, so you really have to wonder whether it is deliberate sabotage or are the politicians really so daft that they really think that something which has failed in dozens of countries will somehow magically work in their country?

    • fafc says:

      I don’t think most politicians are stupid, but most are very shallow thinkers. If there is an intent to sabotage the West, which I believe exists in some quarters, I think that intent is held by the puppet masters not the puppets.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        That is true too, most Western politicians today are not their own people, but rather bought and payed for by various interest groups.

    • fafc says:

      Wonderful. The US Army is going to become the Red Guards.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, but I think that actually started under Obama, when those with a history of mental illness and drug use (in other words leftists) were allowed to join the US Army, this just means that there will be more leftists from places like Boston, in any case I think that when the bubble eventually bursts that the U(S)SA will be the worst place to be in the Western World.

        • fafc says:

          Of course this is being unfair. There are many non-Leftists in places like Boston, and offering them the opportunity of getting out and serving their country is something to be admired. In fact I think the army, unless socialist commissars are placed in the mix, will be a very good opportunity for misguided (not hopelessly evil) Leftists to discover that the world is not exactly the way they have been told it is by the Leftist Ideological Overlords. We will see. The only thing that worries me if ANTIFA types try to infiltrate the military in this way, but I don’t see them making it through 2 weeks of basic training before being booted out.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            Yes, the population of metropolitan Boston is close to 5 million, so of course there are a lot of non-leftists there (it is interesting to note how things change, Boston was the place where the American Revolution started and it was one of the centers of classical liberalism (real liberalism that is), while today it is a center of neo-marxism (fake “liberalism”)).

            I of course support right-minded people (and those who might be turned into such by army life) to join the army, if for no other reason because in the event of Civil War II, who the army decides to support might be the deciding factor in whether or not civilization survives on the North American continent.

          • fafc says:

            Well I don’t see a Civil War coming, rather I see a coup from the Left that has just enough shred of authority to allow the military to stand down and do nothing, or become the weapon of the new Communist Party of the USA.

  7. Croatian Capitalist says:

    “No state in 2017 had a total fertility rate for white women that was above the population replacement level – what the population needs to exactly replace itself from one generation to the next.”

    The USA is definitely not heading in the right direction, the Mormons seem to be the only sizeable Western group in the USA that is doing well overall (high birth rates, an above average standard of living, etc.).

  8. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Not a baby factory: South Korea tries to fix demographic crisis with more gender equality:–south-korea-tries-to-fix-demographic-crisis-with-more-gender-equality-11085362

    Yes, something that has been a complete failure everywhere else will magically work in South Korea! Even the “positive” examples (France and Sweden) the article mentions have below replacement level birth rates, and the fact that they are higher than the first world average is do to the fact both countries are full of third worlders (who obviously don’t practice “gender equality”), and not due to “gender equality”.

    I used to think that the Koreans and Japanese were ahead of the curve, but now I am leaning more towards the opinion that they are behind it (like Texas in the Texas being 15-20 years behind California example you like to give).

  9. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Another country with a depressing future is Canada:

    Hundreds of thousands of new third worlders moving to Canada each year, what a “lovely” plan by the Somali who runs Canada’s immigration policy.

    • fafc says:

      However, Canada is a bit more clever than than the USA. The DO NOT accept everyone who stumbles across the border, but has a point system to see if you qualify. The system is based on skills, money, etc. They leave the huddled masses for the USA. That said, for a small country I think 1M over a 2 or 3 year period is too much to properly assimilate even if the immigrants are willing to assimilate.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Maybe their immigration system isn’t as bad as the American one, but just looking at the top 10 countries they receive immigrants from (India, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Nigeria are all in the top 10) tells me that their immigration system is bad, plus they receive the most “refugees” per capita in the World, as for assimilation, even if they wanted to assimilate, what do they have to assimilate into? The Canadian prime minister himself calls Canada a “post-national multicultural society”, so there is nothing to assimilate into.

  10. Croatian Capitalist says:

    “Shultz’s statement suggests that “there is no such thing as an American, and that America is just a collection of anyone who wants to come, rather than a nation with laws and unique culture … He is speaking as if the concept of an American nation is obsolete or never was there to begin with”

    And this idiot wants to become president of the USA? It is really high time “conservatives” started boycotting Starbucks and other anti-American companies.

    • fafc says:

      Starbucks? Never heard of her.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        That is the spirit, I just wish more people had it, boycotting anti-Western companies is a totally legal and non-violent way of hitting anti-Western forces where it hurts them the most (their pockets), it really boggles the mind that the so-called “conservatives” can’t be bothered to organize boycotts of such companies, even in cases when there are literally hundreds of alternatives.

        • fafc says:

          Most people are very lazy and complacent. Conservatives are more so than most. I think it is part of being conservative. Keeping things the same. Conserving or maintaining the status quo. Not the stuff of revolution. Until you really piss them off. That takes a lot. Frankly, I never liked the coffee at Starbucks and the prices are just outrageous for bad coffee. Before Starbucks got political and started to insult people like me I simply referred to them as the coffee house for people who do not like coffee.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            That is one of the reasons I don’t identify as a “conservative”, only someone not right in the head would want to keep society as sick as it is now, calling yourself a “conservative” might have made some manner of sense in the 1950’s USA, but in the 2019 one it doesn’t, maybe “traditionalists” or something similar would be a better word to use.

          • fafc says:

            Well I would call myself a conservative, but I think it is time to have a conservative counter-revolution. It happens, and should happen now. However, conservatives should make sure they are not being manipulated by sinister forces looking to take advantage of the counter-revolutionary zeal that is 10 times more dangerous than revolutionary zeal.

  11. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Yes, if the so-called “conservatives” plan on taking their country back, they will have to do something about it soon, if nothing changes, third worlders will become the majority in the USA within 30 years at the most, and after that peacefully saving the USA in it’s current form will be next to impossible, so actual Americans will have these choices:

    1) Reorganize in states such as Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, etc. and secede from the USA.

    2) Do nothing and let the USA turn into a typical Latin American cesspool.

    3) Fight a civil war against the third worlders and fifth columnists (but I don’t think that Civil War II will happen unless the leftists and/or the third world invaders force it on the “conservatives”), win it and restore the USA to the values upon which it was founded on.

    4) Emigrate to saner countries (but I think that this would be an option only for a small minority of actual Americans, among other reasons because I think it would be very unrealistic to expect other countries to take in 50-100 million Americans).

    I think that option 2 is what is going to happen.

    • fafc says:

      From my experience with this website that is my opinion.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Yes, if I were a betting man, that is the option I would put my money on, but on the other hand as I have mentioned a few times, the future in these matters often times does not end up happening how you would logically expect it to.

        • fafc says:

          I finished reading this book, Militant Normals, a few weeks ago and it more or less nails the problem of the USA — as the Left suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome they ignore the real problem that is facing the country. Schlicter’s point that he hammers home is that there are two types of people in the USA (and perhaps in every country): Elites and Normals. The Normals made a tacit bargain with the Elites: competently run the institutions of government, culture, and society, and respect us Normals enough to let us live in peace — in exchange you guys get the power, prestige, and authority, and we will tolerate your smugness as long as you do your job. In the past this worked out because the Elites did in fact honor their side of the agreement, served their purpose competently, and respected the values that the Normals embraced, at least in public. The problem now is that the Elites have wholly failed to perform their elite tasks with competence, all the while not only failing to respect the Normals rights and privileges, but declaring their hatred of them in a non-stop Elite Jihad against Normals (or should I say Elite Crusade???). It makes a lot of sense, and has very little to do with “left” or “right”. Just look what they did to Bernie.

          The book itself poses a simple question: Why the hell did Trump win? This automatically results in a knee jerk reaction against the book by anti-Trumpers, and perhaps a yawn by pro-Trumpers who maybe don’t want to know. The interesting thing, at least to me, is that the answer to this question also answers another question: Why the hell did Bernie Sanders win the Democratic primary?

          There are a few little things I found frustrating about the book, and I found the ending a bit overly optimistic given the facts that the author pounded home with a 10 pound sledge hammer throughout the book.

          Normals have zero leadership. They are angry, confused, don’t know what to do, and have no one that is reliable to lead them. The entire Elite Establishment, Republicans, Democrats, MainstreamPropaganda, etc., all conspired to guarantee Hillary a win. They stole the nomination from Bernie, and then arranged for Trump to defeat all the other Republican candidates on the theory that he would be the easiest to beat. Maybe they were right? Who knows, maybe Trump was even in on the scheme? But Trump surprised everyone, including himself, and won, and now he is surrounded by enemies on all sides. He is standing in the middle of a political minefield. There is very little he can do without risking impeachment in Congress. The Republicans are not even as reliable as the political promises of GHW Bush… I would trust a water fountain in Tijuana more. And Trump himself is ultimately at best a scrappy unscrupulous self-promoting back alley fighter who will do what he can to win, but he will never throw himself on a hand grenade for anyone. Winning for Trump involves TRUMP winning. If the Normals benefit as well so much the better. So who can the Normals look to for leadership, guidance, motivation, directions, support??? It looks like no one. The entire Elite Establishment is against them, their sole leader is alone and beset on all sides, and is perhaps not even the ideal leader for a real counterrevolution against the Elite. Oh well.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            Yes, the lack of proper leadership is a real problem (and not just in politics, for example I think that the various religious leaders (just look at the marxist pope or the archbishop of Canterbury) might be even bigger traitors to Western Civilization than the politicians), out of all of the leaders in the Western World, only maybe Victor Orban deserves to be called a statesman.

  12. fafc says:

    During the 2016 presidential primary I read so many conservative and Republican writers and thinkers who were simply dumbfounded how a pie-in-the-sky socialist with, let’s be honest, nutty ideas and an even nuttier method of presenting them, could be some sort of icon to college kids. This wasn’t just crazy-uncle kind of infatuation that is really more mockery masked as endearment. They legitimately thought he made good points, had strong ideas, and was uncovering some sort of economic panacea that a cabal of rich industrialists had kept hidden from us common folk.

    I get the frustration, but I don’t get the shock. In fact, the shock annoys me because you can’t expect our younger generations to embrace something that they have been taught by the people they have been intrinsically conditioned to trust – their teachers and professors – is evil. For too long conservatives, traditionalists, Christians, and all those who appreciated the greatness of Western Civilization merely lamented the state of academia while doing nothing about it. And when I say “for too long,” I don’t mean that as a clichéd call-to-arms. I mean it’s too late. The goose is cooked. While cheering Reagan’s warning that “freedom is only one generation away from extinction,” they failed the test.

    • Croatian Capitalist says:

      He is right, based on current trends, it is only a matter of time before the USA becomes socialist.

      • fafc says:

        That was why I set up this page. Hasn’t done much good.

        • Croatian Capitalist says:

          I will be interesting to see whether Social Security, Medicare, etc. collapsing will be enough to jolt Americans out of their current state.

          One good thing about the USA having such gigantic unfunded liabilities is that if the USA went full Soviet, the USSA would probably collapse before it got the chance to do the massive damage the USSR did around the World.

          Another thing I would like do add is that even if Americans get a genuine chance to change their country for the better, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will take it, look at the Russians for example, in 1991 they had a chance they might never have again, communism was defeated and discredited and the communists were completely demoralized, so it was the perfect time to build a new Russia on healthy foundations, in which case Russia would today be the richest country in the World, instead they elected a drunken fool to lead them, and he then let a few thousand criminals rob the country blind, and today it is a poor and corrupt country and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

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