Why Armenia Is More Likely to Engineer Super-Children Than China

Find out what Armenia is doing to help its children to better develop their intellectual abilities in school at a very low price.



Ok, I will give you a hint: You must know the difference between a king and a queen.


About fafc

The goal of the “Find a Free Country Project” is to research, explore and find a safe and secure free country outside the USA, that is not too large, has a relatively open immigration policy, has a friendly business climate, has a non-intrusive government committed to freedom, and then move to it.
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18 Responses to Why Armenia Is More Likely to Engineer Super-Children Than China

  1. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Good policy by the Armenians, even though I have no idea why the article writer put a picture of a black kid in it, since the Armenians are White people.

    Still, Armenia won’t get anywhere until it fixes it’s judiciary, the country has big problems with corruption.

  2. Croatian Capitalist says:

    China might be advancing economically, but otherwise the direction it’s heading in doesn’t appear to be good: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/11/10/whats-your-citizen-trust-score-china-moves-rate-its-1-3-billion-citizens/851365001/

  3. Croatian Capitalist says:


    No country in modern history which has done the incredibly stupid thing of deliberately bringing it’s TFR below replacement level by state policy (Singapore, Iran, South Korea, etc.) has been able to reverse it after realising what a calamity they brought upon themselves, and I doubt that China will be able to reverse it either, almost 50 years of telling people big families are bad and forcing women into the workforce and universities tends to keep the TFR low, and undoing the effects of their own propaganda is going to be a herculean task.

    • fafc says:

      Maybe they can follow the lead of Western Europe and import immigrants whose only goal is to destroy the country.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        Unlike the West, which is mostly interested in brining in the drags of third world societies, mainland China is only interested in bringing in actual experts and entrepreneurs: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-42575436

        On the other hand, Taiwan might do it, they have been and are copying what many Western countries have been doing socially over recent decades (they will soon legalize gay “marriage” (and Taiwan will be the only country in Asia where it will be legal), give an option of a “third gender” in official documents, etc.), plus English will be made an official language starting from next year (https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2018/08/31/taiwan-english-official-language/), which should make the third World invasion easier for the invaders.

        • fafc says:

          I have not been following Taiwan. Never seemed very interesting. Seems even less now.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            It used to be a little interesting to me, since it is one of the small number of first world countries in Asia and it is not a part of the UN, but when I took a deeper look and realised that they are socially headed in the same direction as the worst Western countries, my interest instantly vanished into thin air.

  4. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Speaking of Asian countries, Japan has become the largest creditor nation in the World (while the USA is still the largest debtor nation in the World): https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2018/09/02/commentary/japan-commentary/japan-savings-superpower-world/#.W4v4uDPJw0Q

  5. Croatian Capitalist says:

    South Korea’s fertility rate set to hit record low of 0.96: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/03/south-koreas-fertility-rate-set-to-hit-record-low

    Horrible news, hopefully this won’t be used as an excuse to bring in third world “enrichment”.

    • fafc says:

      Low birth rate does seem to go hand-in-hand with national development. One can only hope that if a country cannot find a rational internal means of increasing the birthrate, they take the Japanese approach and learn to live without.

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        They might “seem” to go hand-in-hand, but I think that in reality its all down to culture, Qatari Arabs are probably the richest people in the World on average, but the average Qatari Arab woman has 3,5 children during her lifetime, in America”s economic heyday in the 1950’s White American women also had a similar number of children on average, even today the number of children the average White Mormon woman has in Utah is at about that level, and the Mormons have a standard of living that is above the American average, etc.

        I think that the main cause of the demographic calamity of the vast majority of first World countries is feminazism (and the general anti-family brainwashing that goes alongside it in the media and academia, clear the media and academia of all of the leftist anti-family idiots and I am quite sure that the birth rates would recover in a decade or two), plus specific places can have their own additional issues as well, South Korea’s and Singapore’s calamities for example are in a large part the direct result of government meddling, in places with little space and insane real estate prices like for example Hong Kong you are lucky if you can afford a decent place just for yourself, nevermind for you, your wife and 3 children, then of course you have places like the UK and Sweden for example, where due to the third World immigration the streets are unsafe, the schools are full of insane propaganda that denies even basic biology, where you pay the vast majority of money you earn to the government, but when you actually need a government service, like state healthcare, you or your children have to wait in the back of the line for months or even years because the third world invaders you subsidize are the government’s priority, etc., so I can’t really blame the sane Swedes for not having large families on average, if I were (Heaven forbid) a Swede, I wouldn’t have any children until I was far, far away from that insane asylum called Sverige.

        • fafc says:

          This is true. But again, my only point was that if you are going to have demographic crisis deal with it yourself. Don’t bring foreigners into your country to fill that demographic gap unless they are really going to fit in. Germany is a perfect example of this since the 1950s. Due to the war Germany simply didn’t have enough working age young men to provide necessary workers. So they brought in “temporary” workers from Turkey and never got rid of them since the Germans never again achieved population growth sustainability, yet the Germans never gave these ‘temporary’ workers any real opportunities to become German. A recipe for disaster. The latest insanity is frankly just adding insult injury. Germany is already lost. They brought in multiple generations of Turkish workers, denied those interested in assimilating realistic opportunities, then brought in millions more anti-German immigrants repeating the same mistakes. I have spoken to Germans and they are such a confused bunch. They don’t really know why they are doing anything. They don’t know why they are bringing the immigrants other than “we have to do it”, and they don’t understand how the combined resistance of the German people and government to allow these people to assimilate (its not all the foreigners fault), and the foreigners themselves who choose not to do so is a just a disaster.

          • Croatian Capitalist says:

            That is true too, the Japanese seem to be handling their demographic calamity the best out of these countries (robots > third worlders).

            Yes, Germany’s immigration and integration policies have been and are pretty idiotic, but I think that Germany is an unique example, because not only did they lose millions of men in the war and suffer a major psychological trauma because of their defeat, but they were also the only defeated nation ( at least to my knowledge) which was subject to immense self-hate brainwashing after the war, I mean even today, 73 years after the end of the war if you show any signs of patriotism/nativism outside of sporting events, society immediately labels you as a “nazi”, so it’s no wonder Germany’s immigration policy is such a mess.

            In any case, immigration is no solution to the underlying problem, you can bring in the best immigrants, but that is just kicking the can down the road, eventually the Germans and other nationalities who are in their situation will have to decide whether they want to survive as distinct peoples, or they want to die out and hand their homelands over to members of more virile nationalities.

          • fafc says:

            I think immigration can work. The USA has been a shining example of this. But there must be certain standards promoted and met:

            1. The country must demand and offer assimilation.
            2. The immigrants must be either close enough in culture to easily assimilate, or in small enough numbers so as to discourage “ghetto” mentality.

            Sadly, what has worked in the past in the USA is being abandoned there.

            And I don’t think that it can be easily repeated elsewhere.

  6. Croatian Capitalist says:

    I never wrote that immigration can’t work, of course it can, the Huguenots for example successfully integrated themselves into every Protestant country they moved to after fleeing Catholic persecution in France, my point was/is that even if you bring in the very best of people in as immigrants, that it doesn’t solve the underlying problem, namely the idiocy/suicidalness (or whatever you want to call it) of the host population, or to use a pharmaceutical metaphor; “Supplements are no substitute for a healthy/balanced diet.”

    As for the American example, I don’t really think it is comparable to the modern German and similar examples, the USA of old:

    1) Had absolutely no problem with birth rates (the American TFR dropped under replacement level only in 1971, so almost 200 years after the USA was founded), while low fertility is the reason all of these modern countries give for opening the floodgates to the third world.

    2) The people who used to move to the USA were mostly industrious Europeans in search of freedom (whether religious or entrepreneurial or both) and who wanted to be Americans, while the people moving to places like Germany are mostly either third worlders who want to live on welfare, or in the best case scenario Poles or Turks who want to work there for a few years to save money for a house and/or opening a business back home, next to no one wants to become a German (maybe they want German citizenship, but that is something different).

    3) Was open to immigration (from Europe) from the start, while none of these other countries were founded as such.

    4) As you can tell from their names (Germany = Land of the Germans, England = Land of the English, etc.), all of those countries were founded by and for a certain ethnic group, and even though the Founding Fathers were mostly of British ancestry and even though real American culture is mostly based on the old British culture, the USA was not founded as a British ethnostate, but rather as a country for ethnic Europeans in general: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalization_Act_of_1790 “This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.” That is the vision the Founding Fathers had for a America, to be a country of free White persons of good character, and for quite a long time the immigrants to the USA mostly fitted that bill (but that has of course since changed and the USA is on course to become a mix of Mexico and Brazil by the end of this century).

  7. Croatian Capitalist says:

    Anyway, to return to the subject of feminazism and demographics a little bit, even though Croatia is generally still not nearly as sick as Sweden or Canada in this regard, it has started to make inroads here too, I just read a story about more and more Croatian men marrying women from the Philippines, especially rural men (since it’s beneath the modern Croatian women to live in a rural area), and even though the numbers are still quite small, if feminazism isn’t stopped this could eventually lead to drastic demographic change here (and in other countries where such phenomena is happening), since no remotely sane man wants a feminazi for a wife.

    • fafc says:

      Hmmm. I wonder why feminists, as are most Leftists of any make or model, are so loath to live in the country?

      • Croatian Capitalist says:

        That is a good question, especially since 21st century feminazism is often mixed with green lunacy, you would think that they would jump at the chance to live in the country, grow organic food, breathe fresh air free of car fumes, etc., but I guess that doing honest work and living with a normal man is beneath them.

        But to return to the Dalmatian farmers from the article, they are not ugly (some look OK, some are good looking), they have money, they have their own land, they produce their own food, their houses have all the modern appliances and everything (so it is not like the local women would have to move to some isolated and rundown place with no electricity, running water, etc.), I doubt that the shopping centers and Dalmatian beaches are more than 30-45 minutes away by car, etc., so the fact that these men have to go to the Philippines to find wives speaks volumes about the local women in Dalmatia.

        In the end the only losers from Western feminazism will be the Western feminazis themselves, quality Western men will always be able to find a good wife, even if they have to go to the Philippines or Vietnam or wherever to find them, while the feminazis will either die alone or if they decide to get married, they will be forced to marry the men at the very bottom of society, since no one else will want them.

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